Teller Report

Uncertain waiting for a definite audience announcement

8/30/2020, 6:43:31 AM

The Swedish Public Health Agency's proposal for a public ceiling in sports for 500 people has not yet been hammered out by the government. At the same time, a small audience addition would in practice mean a poorer financial result for elite clubs such as Hammarby. - We would have to bring in a little home crowd but run the event with full staff and safety, so it will be worse for us, says Hammarby Football's CEO Henrik Kindlund to SVT.

Hammarby is currently losing three to four million kronor for every home match without an audience.

- We have up to 16,000 annual card holders, so if we are only allowed to bring in 4,000, for example, there will be practical challenges. From an event perspective, we need 20,000 spectators, says Henrik Kindlund.

Do you think that could be the case?

- No, not this year, we are basically sure of that. We will make it this year, but if the corona continues into 2021, it will be tricky.

How many clubs do you think go plus this year?

- Two or three pieces maybe.

Only Malmö FF sustainably enough

According to football's own investigation "How is Swedish elite football?", From this spring, Malmö FF is the only Swedish elite club that has enough equity to cope with the corona crisis without the state sports support that has been distributed in several portions.

- We should have 15 percent of sales in equity as a requirement. Somewhere you get a business that is secured for unforeseen events, says Dan Persson who is a columnist for the online publication Sports and Society.

What is now in the pot is another billion kronor for sports, as well as any changed audience rules, with a corona distance between the seated spectators. The public health authority has just proposed a limit of 500 spectators, and now the government must react to that. At the same time, the clubs continue to wait for a new-old everyday life with some kind of audience.

- What happens when we make 3-2 against Djurgården in the last minute of a derby? Will everyone sit down, or fly up and rejoice? asks Hammarby Football's CEO Henrik Kindlund.