Teller Report

The General Staff of Belarus announced the strengthening of Western intelligence against Minsk

8/30/2020, 8:10:31 PM

Western neighbors of Belarus are strengthening their military potential and intelligence work against Minsk, said the head of the main department of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces Ruslan Kosygin.

According to him, unprecedented measures are being taken on the territory of neighboring countries both to build up their own military capabilities and to deploy foreign contingents on their territory.

"At the same time (and we note this), intelligence activities against our country have been very seriously strengthened, including," Kosygin told the ONT TV channel.

He noted that a contingent of troops, numbering more than 10 thousand people, 40 combat aircraft and 500 units of heavy military equipment, is on a permanent basis on the territory of neighboring states.

Earlier, NATO spokesman Oana Lungescu said that NATO military exercises in the Baltic region are defensive in nature and are not related to the situation in Belarus.

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