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Lebanon: Hezbollah ready to discuss new "political pact" proposed by Emmanuel Macron

8/30/2020, 1:25:14 PM

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said on Sunday that he was ready to discuss a new "political pact" in Lebanon, which had been proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron during his visit ...

Hezbollah is ready to discuss a new "political pact" in Lebanon, proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron, declared Sunday (August 30th) the head of the powerful pro-Iranian formation, Hassan Nasrallah.

"We have heard the call of the French president during his last visit to Lebanon for a new political pact," Hezbollah secretary general said in a speech.

"We are open to any constructive discussion on the subject (...) but on the condition that it is a Lebanese dialogue and that it is the will of all the Lebanese parties", he added. .

A "new political pact"

Hassan Nasrallah did not say what changes his movement was prepared to consider, but he said he had "heard criticism from official French sources about the Lebanese denominational system" and its inability to resolve Lebanon's problems.

Visiting Beirut on August 6 - two days after the powerful explosion at the port of the Lebanese capital - the French president announced that he would propose a "new political pact" to the country's political forces, with necessary reforms, without what "Lebanon will continue to sink".

Emmanuel Macron is due to return to Beirut on Monday and meet with representatives of the main political parties, including Hezbollah, on Tuesday. Parliamentary consultations are scheduled for Monday to appoint a new prime minister after Hassan Diab's resignation a week after the deadly explosion.


The head of Hezbollah has assured that his party will be "cooperative" on this subject as political differences have so far prevented an agreement on the choice of the new head of government.

Stressing that he was leading "the largest political party in Lebanon", Hassan Nasrallah questioned the legitimacy of the popular protest movement which calls for political change. "Can we consider that the demands of hundreds of demonstrators express the will of the Lebanese people?" He said.

With AFP

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