Teller Report

Chijiang Rikako returns to the game, you look really beautiful in defeating the disease

8/30/2020, 2:43:31 AM

  Chinanews Client Beijing, August 30 (Xing Rui) When a short-haired Chijiang Lihuazi appeared next to the swimming pool again, one year and seven months had passed since she left the stadium.   The Tokyo Special Tournament held on the 29th was Chie Rikako's first game after his comeback. She signed up for the 50-meter freestyle event. The national record for this event is 24.21 seconds. Screen...

  Chinanews Client Beijing, August 30 (Xing Rui) When a short-haired Chijiang Lihuazi appeared next to the swimming pool again, one year and seven months had passed since she left the stadium.

  The Tokyo Special Tournament held on the 29th was Chie Rikako's first game after his comeback. She signed up for the 50-meter freestyle event. The national record for this event is 24.21 seconds.

Screenshot of Chijiang Lihuazi's social media.

  Due to a leukemia, Chi Jiang, who appeared in the swimming pool again, did not have the muscles and round face of the past. Her thin body is slightly thin, and her hair slightly longer than an inch makes her facial features more handsome. In the end, Chi Jiang won the group first with 26.32 seconds.

  Although she did not break the national record she had previously maintained, Chijiang Lihuazi's ability to stand on the court again is a rare miracle.

Data map: Chijiang Lihuazi at the Jakarta Asian Games. Photo by Lu Yan from China News Service

  Back in February 2019, Chijiang Lihuazi, who was only 18 years old at the time, announced on his personal social media that he had been diagnosed with leukemia and would interrupt the game for treatment. The news was like a bolt from the blue and shocked the swimming world of the whole world.

  Some people refer to Chijiang Rikako as a "swimming genius and beautiful girl". Because of the childbirth in the water, she was indissoluble with water since she was born.

  She learned to swim at the age of 3 and four strokes at the age of 5. No one has ever questioned her talent in swimming. In the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games, Chijiang Rikako ushered in a full-blown explosion. He won 6 gold and 2 silver each, becoming the first female player in the history of the Asian Games to win the "Most Valuable Athlete" award. Her rise once excited the Japanese swimming world, and even dubbed it the title of "Asian Water Queen".

  She is only 20 years old this year. She originally hoped to change the pattern of swimming in Asia and even the world, but all the beautiful visions about the future became out of reach at the moment she was diagnosed with leukemia.

Chijiang Lihuazi received treatment.

  There is a movie saying that the falling speed of cherry blossoms is 5 centimeters per second. And because of this disease, the speed of Tokyo Dream's departure from Chijiang Rikako is not known how many times faster.

  After being diagnosed with the disease, Chijiang Lihuazi began treatment with anticancer drugs and underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. In December last year, after 10 months of treatment, Chijiang Lihuazi was discharged from the hospital.

  No one can understand the pain and struggle she has experienced in the hospital. Until February of this year, after being discharged from the hospital, Chi Jiang revealed his mental journey to fight the illness in an interview with the Japanese media.

Chi Jiang talked about the treatment process.

  The confrontation with the disease is more cruel than Chi Jiang imagined. Due to taking anti-cancer drugs, she often feels nausea and pain. She can't stand a little noise and doesn't want to watch TV or eat.

  "I want to die when I am the most tired. It's better to die." In the face of intractable diseases, Chijiang Lihuazi also thought about giving up her life. But think about the unfulfilled Olympic dream, think about the youthful youth that has not yet bloomed at the age of 20, think about the relatives and friends who love her, Chi Jiang has strengthened his belief in living.

  Leaving the hospital was only the first step in her recovery. In February this year, Chijiang Lihuazi resumed training on land. But during training, her muscles will feel pain. And because of illness, her body muscles gradually lost.

  Speaking of the difficulties of returning to the pool, Chijiang Rikako conveyed an optimistic attitude: "It is a miracle that I am alive, and it is a miracle that I am here. I never thought,'If I am not sick, it will be fine.' On the contrary, I thought. It taught me all of this. I hope everyone can draw courage from my example."

Chijiang Rikako wept in the interview.

  Chijiang Rikako once wrote on personal social media: "I don't want to lose." This kind of unwillingness to admit defeat in the arena always supports her in the most difficult times. In the trough, Chi Jiang felt the power that sports brought her.

  After being discharged from the hospital, Chijiang Rikako has set her goal for the 2024 Paris Olympics. She hopes that through her own efforts, she can win a medal for Japan.

  There is a Chinese saying: "If you die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing." After experiencing the ups and downs that ordinary people can hardly understand, Chijiang Lihuazi's life opened a new chapter. Regardless of whether she can become an Olympic champion in the future, today, the moment she stood on the starting platform, the moment she jumped into the pool, the moment she tried to finish the race and touched the wall at the finish line--

  Her life has already performed a perfect enough victory. (Finish)