Teller Report

Tour de France 2020 LIVE: It's the big start! Come take a nap with us on the 1st stage from 3:30 p.m.

8/29/2020, 12:52:25 PM

First stage of the Tour de France 2020 with two loops around Nice on the programNice, capital of the first weekend of the Tour de France 2020 - Daniel Cole / AP / SIPA Refresh Show only highlights Finally, we invite you to get to know the team that will disgust you in the high mountains: Jumbo-Visma. On the program, hellish pace, leaders galore and butt screwed on the saddle.  Will the Jumbo-Visma armada “lock” the Tour de France? via @ 20minutesSport

Nice, capital of the first weekend of the Tour de France 2020 - Daniel Cole / AP / SIPA


Show only highlights

Finally, we invite you to get to know the team that will disgust you in the high mountains: Jumbo-Visma. On the program, hellish pace, leaders galore and butt screwed on the saddle. 

Will the Jumbo-Visma armada “lock” the Tour de France? via @ 20minutesSport

- 20 Minutes Sport (@ 20minutesSport) August 29, 2020

Second paper from friend JSM, and that's the question everyone is asking: will this Tour go to the end? 

Will the Covid-19 stop the Tour de France before Paris?

- 20 Minutes (@ 20Minutes) August 28, 2020

Before going on the air, I'll leave you with the ton of papers prepared by our special correspondent in Nice, Jean Saint-Marc (or more simply JSM). We start strong with the interview with Papa Pinot.

In September, “we quickly caught the flu”. Thibaut's father #Pinot “doesn't plan anything, otherwise we are too disappointed. »
A very moving interview, but also very @FFLose, to read in @ 20Minutes #cycling # TourdeFrance2020 # TDF2020

- Jean Saint-Marc (@JeanSaintMarc) August 28, 2020

Did you no longer believe it? We neither ! And yet, yet, the Tour de France is back. With a little delay, pandemic context requires, but it is there and that is the main thing. The peloton sets off from Nice to complete two loops around the city for a total of 156 kilometers. An honest stage, with a small listed bump, the coast of Rimiez and an unlisted mini-climb to Aspremont in the wake. A stage that could suit both an early adventurer and the sprinters of the peloton not too uncomfortable with the climbs. Given the few stages that they will have to put in their mouths, we still put on a lot of work from the sprinters teams. Small room on Ewan or Nizzolo. We talk about it again around 5:30 p.m.

>> Meet 100km from the finish line (around 3.30pm) to pass the first stints

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