Teller Report

The Ministry of Defense told about the situation with coronavirus among the military

8/29/2020, 9:01:26 PM

Over the past 24 hours, 82 servicemen have recovered from coronavirus infection. In total, more than 10.7 thousand patients with COVID-19 have recovered in the Russian Armed Forces after undergoing treatment, follows from the newsletter of the Ministry of Defense.

"The total number of people who recovered in the Russian Armed Forces (on a cumulative basis) increased to 10,751 people," the message says.

In addition, another 35,007 soldiers were removedfrom medical supervision after 14 days of observation after the second negative test result for coronavirus.

Currently, the coronavirus has been detected in 575 military personnel in military command and control bodies and military units, 249 cadets and employees in higher military educational institutions and 110 civilian employees.

In early August, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu examined a multifunctional medical center in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

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