Teller Report

His life is longer than theirs ... Palestinians celebrate two hundred refugees in Dheisheh camp

8/29/2020, 6:13:26 PM

The Palestinian centenarian Abdul Qadir Al-Lahham, who entered his 100th year a few days ago, recalls a fig tree that he planted on his land in his village, Beit Atab, in the Ramle district of the occupied Palestinian interior, and planted it prior to their deportation in 1948 by the occupation.

Palestinian old man Abdul Qadir al-Lahham, who entered his 100th year a few days ago, recalls a fig tree that he planted on his land in his village, Beit Atab, in the Ramle district of the occupied Palestinian interior, and planted it with other trees prior to their forced deportation during the Palestinian Nakba in 1948.

After the Nakba, Hajj Abdul Qadir ended up with his family in the Dheisheh refugee camp, south of Bethlehem.

On the centenary of the birth of Hajj Al-Lahham, Ibdaa Foundation organized a celebration in Deheisheh camp, in which the slogan "My life is longer than your being" was raised, in reference to the State of Israel that was established on Palestinian lands in 1948.

An inevitable end

When we met with him in his home in the camp, Haji Abdul Qadir expressed his absolute belief that Israel will eventually disappear and will not last because it is a state built on injustice, displacement and theft of the Palestinians.

Hajj Abdel Qader continues to receive the residents of the camp permanently to talk to them about Palestine and its history (Al-Jazeera)

Palestine will return

Al-Hajj Al-Lahham says to Al-Jazeera Net that he lived 100 years and lives today in the camp after all this suffering, but Palestine will return again to its owners because it is a pure Islamic endowment, and the Jews have no right to it.

Hassan Al-Lahham, Secretary of the Cultural Advisory Council of the Palestinian Ministry of Culture, believes that the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Haji Abdul Qadir and from within the camp aims to document the path of his life that transcended different eras and the suffering that the Palestinian people went through, in addition to what he lived personally, and how his life was It is full of political, economic and social events and changes, especially since it came from a village in which he owned a land full of good things, and ended with a tent that was built with other tents, which together formed the Dheisheh Palestinian refugee camp.

As for the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "Ibdaa" Foundation, Saleh Abu Laban, he says to Al-Jazeera Net: The celebration that the Foundation did is to express what is in the minds of the Palestinian street, and also to celebrate the elderly, because they are the ones who remain from the scent of the earth, and Palestine still lives inside them Because they lived on its land and drank from its water.