Teller Report

He is the priest who converted to Islam: "Needs no salvation"

8/29/2020, 4:55:43 PM

He was the man who used to stand in the pulpit and pray to the Christian god. Now the former priest Ahmed Skjetne has turned his attention to Mecca and converted to Islam. - They sent a diakonia assistant to Morocco to try to save me, he says to SVT News.

In an interview with SVT Nyheter, Ahmed Skjetne, former pastor, says that he worked with refugee issues and had contact with refugees all his adult life.

That was also how he became interested in Islam.

- It was a teacher in SFI (Swedish for immigrants, editor's note) who contacted me and said that they had a former student who did not like living in refugee housing and wondered if he could move home to me, says Ahmed Skjetne .

"No need for rescue"

The man, who was from Morocco, moved home to Ahmed Skjetne. He was a devout Muslim and prayed five times a day.

- It inspired me and in 2016 I even carried out Ramadan. In December 2017, I swore the Muslim creed with the Imam.

According to Ahmed Skjetne, the Church of Sweden tried to recruit him back, without success.

- They sent a diakonia assistant to Morocco to try to save me. But I do not need a rescue.

Now Ahmed's journey from Christianity to Islam has become a documentary made by Tomas Blideman and Alex Bolevin. Among other things, they have been to Morocco and talked to friends and parishioners.

The film The Confession premieres on SVT 1 on Tuesday 8 September at 21.00

See the full interview in the clip above.