Teller Report

Greece announced the "provocative behavior" of Turkish fighters

8/29/2020, 7:52:19 PM

Turkish fighters demonstrated "provocative behavior" during the flight of the American B-52 strategic bomber, accompanied by four F-16 planes of Greece within the Athens and Skopje regions, the Greek National Defense General Staff said.

“Despite the agreed and appropriate assurances, at the entrance of the B-52 into the flight information area of ​​Athens, Turkish fighters, demonstrating particularly provocative, unethical, anti-allied and diametrically opposed behavior to the mission's goal, continued their flight near the American plane, which was accepted according to the plan by the four Greek F-16 ", - the statement says.

F-16s in reserve in the area intercepted and pushed the Turkish fighter out of the zone.

The Greek General Staff stressed that the "pirate" actions of Turkey could lead to an accident and endanger the air vehicles of other NATO states.

The incident took place on 28 August.

Earlier, the Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the interception of six F-16 aircraft of Greece over the Mediterranean Sea.