Teller Report

Terror in the stables: France investigates the mutilation and murder of about 30 horses

8/28/2020, 7:58:14 PM

A grim mystery has sparked panic among the French stables after nearly thirty horses have been maimed and killed so far this year in disti

A grim mystery has sparked panic among the French stables after nearly thirty horses have been mutilated and killed so far this year in different areas of the country. The researchers do not rule out that they are satanic practices.

The snout cut off, the genitalia amputated and the right ear severed. The owners of racehorses, mares, ponies and donkeys live in terror of finding their animals dead in the morning.

The attacks have multiplied in recent weeks and what until now were seen as isolated crimes have come to be considered the work of the same person or a disturbed gang .

"There is an obvious professionalism, they are people who act with a certain technique," said Agriculture Minister Julien Denormandie on Friday, who traveled to one of the affected equestrian centers, in Saone-et-Loire, in the center of the country.

Denormandie gave the example of a pony whose blood had been drawn without a trace in the meadow where the corpse had been found to emphasize the meticulous nature of the attacks.

The displacement of the minister showed the commitment and mobilization of the French Government in a case that has moved the French who wonder, who could do something like this to animals?


The captain of the Central Office to Combat Attacks on the Environment and Public Health, which coordinates the investigation, Franck Jolly, explained today on "BFM TV" that they do not rule out any hypothesis, from the act of ruthless people to the work of satanic groups, which has already affected a score of departments such as Jura, Lot, Moselle, Essonne or Seine-Maritime, among others.

Investigations are multiplying throughout the country and the Gendarmerie has offered investigators specializing in sectarian drifts to try to tackle all the speculation.

Robot portrait of one of the suspects released by the French Police.

The robot portrait of a man with a wide neck and dark hair almost shaved was released this week in the national media after the president of an animal shelter, Nicolas Demajean, surprised him last Tuesday along with another man when they tried to tear apart their horses.

"The noises of my pigs woke me up in the middle of the night. They were screaming in a strange way. I got up and saw two individuals with lamps. I immediately went down with a stick. There were two men at the main entrance of the farm, one where there was a sleeping pony and another who threw himself at me with a podón to try to kill me, "Demajean told the media.

After five minutes of hand-to-hand fighting, the criminals fled. Three of his horses were injured with knife cuts and the pruning shear itself, one of them is in serious condition.


Some riders speak of traumatic scenes. Pauline Sarrazin, a 23-year-old girl, created the collective "Justice for our horses" on Facebook in June after finding hers dying in her stable after being attacked.

"They had amputated his right ear. They had cut off his eye and his muzzle was cracked. His agony, while he spoke to him to try to calm her, lasted five minutes. Curiously there was no blood on the ground," the young woman said in the newspaper " Le Figaro ".

His collective served to bring together the testimonies of other victims, who have only multiplied in recent weeks.

The owner of a stable in Pédernec, Brittany (west), managed to intervene in time when he found two men threatening his horse. "It's just the beginning, we'll be back," they told him before leaving. He could not see their faces but did identify them as "two men without accent."

Horses have been found with their throats cut, with remains of burns, with wounds on the thorax, on the cracked snout ... but the right ear always appears cut off, even in the case of some animals that have managed to survive the savage aggression.

Numerous horse riding associations and the rural world, as well as the Brigitte Bardot Animal Foundation, have communicated their willingness to join the demands to gain weight in research.

Those who can install cameras and other technological devices on their lawns. Others say they watch with rifles and that they will not hesitate to use them if they see a stranger in their blocks, an idea that the police insist on advising against.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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