Teller Report

The scale of the smart mobile office market this year is expected to reach 44.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 55.9%

8/26/2020, 10:58:18 PM

The scale of the smart mobile office market this year is expected to reach 44.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 55.9%   e Office Easy Office (Big Data Observation · New Industry and New Format)   Core reading   Remote clock-in, cloud meetings, real-time sharing... Since the beginning of this year, many people have moved their office scenes from offline to online, and the number of onli...

The scale of the smart mobile office market this year is expected to reach 44.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 55.9%

  e Office Easy Office (Big Data Observation · New Industry and New Format)

  Core reading

  Remote clock-in, cloud meetings, real-time sharing... Since the beginning of this year, many people have moved their office scenes from offline to online, and the number of online office users and market scale have increased significantly. The rapid development of online office has not only broadened the digital production and life scenarios, helped enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency, but also stimulated the economy to explore new growth points.

  Based on the convenience of remote operation and rapid iteration and other business advantages, online office not only helps companies accelerate the resumption of work and production, but also enters millions of households as a new type of work. This year's "Government Work Report" stated that new business forms such as e-commerce, online shopping and online services have played an important role in the fight against the epidemic. We must continue to introduce supporting policies, comprehensively promote "Internet +", and create new advantages in the digital economy. What is the current overall situation of my country's online office industry? What is the future development prospect?

  Online office platforms usher in an accelerated growth period

  "Everyone, the above is a daily work report for the past few days, please be aware of it." On the morning of June 2, in the Feishu work group of Chengdu Xinyou Shangfang Property Co., Ltd., the general manager Wang Xiaomei shared the work list online. "Opening the video "Meet me" every day, online meetings are efficient and convenient without delaying normal business progress."

  Online office can realize remote collaboration of work, and office needs can be met online. "The Feishu office suite has functions such as video conferencing, document collaboration, calendar cloud disk, etc., to help companies realize online collaboration." According to the person in charge of the online office platform Feishu, its customers currently cover multiple industries. Whether it is an Internet company or a traditional company, there is a need for digital management.

  Not only Feishu, but all online office service companies have welcomed more users. The number of online meetings initiated by corporate organizations on Ali Dingding has exceeded 20 million in a single day, and the number of daily active users of Tencent meetings exceeded 10 million within two months of its launch. A few days ago, the industry report released by iiMedia Consulting showed that in February this year alone, more than 18 million companies in my country resumed work using the online remote office model, and more than 300 million people used online office applications.

  In recent years, my country's online office technology has become mature, forming a certain industrial foundation. In the view of Zhu Keli, executive director of the National Research Institute of New Economics, China’s online office industry has experienced three key nodes: in 2008, e-commerce development, online channels, and enterprises gradually opened online office; in 2017, various industries With the rise of service software, companies use a large number of third-party services, and online office tools are developing in a professional and vertical direction. At the beginning of this year, online office platforms showed explosive growth and gradually became popular.

  The increasing demand for online office is making this new format usher in a period of accelerated growth. According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, according to incomplete statistics, there were more than 388,000 new cloud companies nationwide in 2019. According to related reports, my country's smart mobile office market reached 28.8 billion yuan in 2019 and is expected to reach 44.9 billion yuan this year, with a growth rate of 55.9%. The online office market has exploded, and as user habits gradually develop, its market potential will be further released.

  Extend more scenarios to help SMEs reduce costs and increase efficiency

  The rapid development of the online office market has made more people feel the value of digitalization. Such platforms have become important infrastructures that help companies reduce costs and increase efficiency, and drive economic growth.

  In the short term, online office will replace offline work and accelerate the resumption of work and production.

  Caixiaomi, headquartered in Wuhan, is a start-up company that develops management software for the agricultural trade wholesale industry. "During the epidemic prevention and control period, we not only did not stop services, but also launched new products." The company's CEO Wu Min attributed such work results to the online audio and video conference function of the remote office platform, which not only enables "face-to-face" communication , And real-time collaboration and sharing of documents. All communication and collaboration are completed online, and work efficiency is hardly affected.

  Cai Xiaomi is just one example of many companies benefiting from online office. Data from Feishu shows that from February 21st to March 15th, Feishu’s “Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Growth Engine Program” has helped nearly 40,000 enterprises to collaborate and resume work remotely.

  In the long run, online office will reduce operating costs and improve work efficiency.

  "Efficient and low-cost'contactless meetings' have been held with dealers for more than 80 in total." In Zhejiang Huzhou Tianneng Group, DingTalk is not only promoted among employees, but also used in cooperation and interaction with dealers. Song Rui, Chief Information Officer of Tianneng Group, said that the DingTalk ecosystem helps companies accelerate digital transformation, not only breaking departmental data islands, but also keeping the upstream and downstream industry chains online, real-time collaboration to improve efficiency.

  "Recently, the advantages of online office have been enlarged." Zhu Keli believes that for user companies, because online office is not restricted by region, it can deploy employment needs to cities with lower living costs, reducing labor costs by more than 30% compared with traditional models. ; With the optimization of online platform performance management products, office efficiency will also increase by more than 20%. This will help SMEs reduce costs and increase efficiency and achieve sustainable development.

  In fact, from tools to platforms to ecology has become the focus of online office platform companies. On the basis of improving its audio and video service capabilities, Tencent Conference continues to expand to more scenarios such as corporate recruitment, cross-city conference management, education and training; Baidu launched a "new generation of artificial intelligence office platform"-Ruliu, committed to providing companies with Services such as communication, collaborative office, and knowledge management enable the efficient flow of intellectual resources within the enterprise.

  Need to be strengthened in terms of information security protection and standard interoperability

  During the interview, the interviewed experts generally believed that with the restoration of production and living order, the growth rate of online office demand will slow down, but it will definitely become more popular than before the epidemic.

  From the perspective of individual users, “People are familiar with the online office model, experience its advantages, and easily form a certain path dependence.” Chen Yongwei, a researcher at the Center for Market and Network Economics of Peking University, further explained. From the perspective of service providers, the platform Companies have invested a lot of costs to optimize iterative software and greatly improve user experience, which will also increase people's acceptance of online office.

  From the perspective of the person in charge of Dingding, reducing costs and increasing efficiency is the long-term goal of the company. Enterprises' pursuit of larger-scale, cross-enterprise, and cross-regional communication efficiency and the trend of digital transformation constitute a solid foundation for the development of the online office industry. The prospect is promising. How to keep the new format of online office alive and enter the normalized development channel?

  First of all, we must take into account the convenience and safety of online office products, and strengthen information security protection.

  "Online office currently realizes remote collaboration between people, but there is still a long way to go in terms of both convenience and safety." Qian Min, head of Tencent Cloud Office Collaboration Product Center, believes that the next step should be Focus on solving information security issues, and work hard on user education and product optimization, such as doing a good job in graded management of permissions, and user privacy protection.

  Secondly, it is necessary to speed up the realization of the standard interoperability of different products of different companies, while encouraging new ventures to enter the market.

  "At present, major Internet companies continue to increase the online office market. For customers, there may be compatibility issues when choosing different products and services." Chen Yongwei said that files on different platforms may be stored on different operators’ clouds, and unification should be accelerated. Standards, break up data barriers, and expand the development space of online office.

  Zhu Keli believes that taking advantage of the integration of large companies is conducive to the use of more technologies in this new format, but at the same time, it should also encourage more newly established SMEs to join this market and jointly promote the online office industry. Continued prosperity.

  Our reporter Han Xin