Teller Report

The American and British armies recruit thanks to video games

8/26/2020, 1:28:47 PM

The two armies use gaming platforms, esports and the targeting of players on social networks in particular to compensate for the decline in military vocations

A video game controller (illustration). - REED SAXON / AP / SIPA

US and British military recruiting officials are using video games to attract future recruits. Gaming platforms are also used to find future engineering or communication specialists who will work with the military.

In both countries, the uniform craze is indeed waning. Thousands of new soldiers are missing in the US military, and some UK units are 40% smaller than they need to function properly , Wired says .

A partnership with Twitch

In the United States, in 2002, the games "America's Army" and its sequel "America's Army Proving Grounds" had created vocations: 40% of new recruits in 2005 indicated having played there. In 2018, the two games had won over a total of 15 million gamers. In 2003, a survey ranked video games fourth among the factors contributing to a good image of the US military.

In the United Kingdom, a game testing the qualities of future recruits was released in 2009. Faced with the current situation, the defense ministries of both countries have launched recruitment campaigns specifically targeting gamers on social networks. They have also created their own esports teams and concluded agreements with major gaming platforms like Twitch or Mixer.


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  • Recruitment
  • High-Tech
  • United Kingdom
  • Military
  • Army
  • United States
  • Video games