Teller Report

Many reactions on the E22 past Söderköping: "Under all criticism"

8/26/2020, 9:44:57 AM

Today, a meeting will be held regarding the E22 past Söderköping. The participants are the Swedish Transport Administration and the County Administrative Board, as well as Söderköping and four other municipalities. During the day, SVT Nyheter Öst had a chat about the situation - and there are many who experience problems on the route.

“Have been queuing all summer. Have a seasonal place below Söderköping and I work in Söderköping. This summer has been disgusting, with queues. It has almost not mattered when in the day you went through Söderköping there has been a queue, "writes the signature Helene, who wants a solution to the queues now.

Björn Karlström has been driving through Söderköping for 30 years and he is amazed that nothing has been done about the situation.

“In the past, there was Gasart (local profile) who happily greeted when you were stuck in a bridge opening, but he has been gone for a long time. Now it is more of a "tick in the box" to get stuck in a bridge opening every year ", he writes.

Under all criticism

A viewer writes in the chat that she believes that the situation is under all criticism.

"The times you have to drive through Söderköping, you marvel at the traffic chaos on these queues - if it had been in Stockholm, this would have been fixed a long time ago. Rerouting the E22 "bypass Söderköping" should be a priority ", writes Anna-Karin Wilén.

More tips on action

The chat also contains several tips on solutions to the problem.

“So how difficult should it be. Out with heavy shutdown builds like a roundabout.
Those who are going straight ahead have priority. All so that the traffic straight ahead will flow as well as possible. The problem is solved ", writes the signature Leif.

And Gudrun wonders if it is not possible to synchronize the traffic lights past the city.
"A number of minutes in all directions at the same time on all the lights?", She writes.

At 12.15 a press conference will be held which SVT Nyheter Öst will cover.

This is what the midsummer traffic past Söderköping looked like earlier this summer:

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See the midsummer traffic traffic jams at Göta canal in Söderköping. Photo: SVT / Tobias Holmqvist

You can find the whole chat here.