Teller Report

It will be Finnkamp - a green light from the Finnish federation

8/26/2020, 5:37:12 PM

Following the green light from the Finnish authorities, the Finnish Athletics Federation has now also given the green light. The Finnkampen will be decided in Tampere next weekend. - It feels very good, says the Swedish Athletics Association's general secretary Stefan Olsson to SVT Sport.

Finnkampen's being or not being has been relevant for a long time.

But on Wednesday night, Sterfan Olsson received the call he had been waiting for from his Finnish colleague Harri Aalto.

- He started with the introductory phrase welcome to Tampere. And so do we feel. My opinion is that the Finnish association is also really looking forward to this, says Stefan Olsson to SVT Sport.

- This feels really nice. It took some time, but the woods win. It is a tradition that we maintain. Now we look forward to next weekend, he continues.

5000 in the stands?

Now a squad will be taken out, but there will also be a lot of practical planning given the current situation in the corona pandemic.

- We will have a meeting tomorrow (read Thursday) where we will practically go through how we solve travel and tests. We assume that everyone in the squad must be tested for corona, and everyone must be prepared for that, says Stefan Olsson.

The question is how many spectators will be admitted to the competitions.

- It has the opportunity to bring in a small audience. I do not know exactly, but the feeling is that they will be able to take in up to 5000, but I have not received confirmation, says Stefan Olsson.