Teller Report

Harsh words from the new Barcelona coach are behind Messi's request to leave ... and Suarez's brother is making fun of the club

8/26/2020, 1:19:18 PM

The Spanish newspaper "Marca" today revealed the details of the fiery and short dialogue that took place between Barcelona's star Lionel Messi and the new coach of the team, Ronaldo Coman. She said that Koeman had harsh words to Messi when he told him, "The privileges of the players in this team are over, and you have to give everything."

Harsh words from the new Barcelona coach are behind Messi's request to leave ... and Suarez's brother is making fun of the club

The Spanish newspaper "Marca" today revealed the details of the fiery and short dialogue that took place between Barcelona's star Lionel Messi and the new coach of the team, Ronaldo Coman. She said that Koeman addressed harsh words to Messi when he told him, "The privileges of the players in this team have ended, and you have to give everything for the team." Coman threatened Messi that he would not be complacent with anyone, whoever he was, and that everyone should listen to him and abide by his instructions.

The newspaper said that Messi considered these words an insult to him, and that they were an important reason for submitting his request to leave, and sending him to the club by "fax". It is reported that two days after Koeman was appointed, Messi cut short his leave and met Koeman. But the meeting was disastrous, according to Spanish newspapers, and it increased Messi's conviction of the need to leave, especially after the way he was dealt with by the new coach, despite his long history with the club.

On the other hand, Marca said that another reason prompted Messi to ask to leave as well, is the harsh treatment suffered by his colleague and the most close player in Barcelona, ​​the Uruguayan Luis Suarez, whom Koeman phoned to tell him to "search for another team", and that "His days with Barcelona are over."

Suarez's brother, Paulo, did not miss the opportunity of the global uproar caused by the news of Messi’s request to leave. He tweeted sarcastic expressions from the Barcelona club’s management, and said, “Things have become more and more interesting,” referring to the excitement left by Messi, and in an expression from his brother Suarez expresses his resentment at the administration and the way it dealt with Louis.

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