Teller Report

Faced with the expected influx of unemployed people, Pôle emploi is hiring a large number of advisers

8/26/2020, 4:55:18 AM

According to an internal document that Europe 1 has obtained, Pôle emploi has planned to hire a large number of additional advisers in order to anticipate a probable influx of unemployed people from the start of the school year. In addition to current hires, two new waves of hiring could take place at the end of the year and in 2021.

According to an internal document that Europe 1 has obtained, Pôle emploi has planned to hire a large number of additional advisers in order to anticipate a probable influx of unemployed people from the start of the school year. In addition to current hires, two new waves of hiring could take place at the end of the year and in 2021.

While we will know the unemployment figures for the month of July on Wednesday at midday, Pôle emploi is already preparing to hire new advisers to deal with the influx of unemployed people. This is indicated by an internal document from the public establishment that Europe 1 was able to obtain. Several thousand recruitments are planned in the coming months as part of the government's recovery plan, in accordance with the promises made this summer by the Minister of Labor Elisabeth Borne. The Minister thus wishes to prepare in the best possible conditions the accompaniment of the new unemployed expected at the start of the school year.

Hires mainly on fixed-term contracts

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The document also details the methods of recruiting these reinforcements. First lesson: the advisers will be hired mainly on fixed-term contracts. The rules within Pôle emploi have even been modified for the occasion. Normally, there is a ceiling on authorized fixed-term contracts. During the crisis, it was abolished.

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Île-de-France will be the best served region

This document also contains the table showing the distribution by region of the first 1,000 fixed-term contracts recruited. Île-de-France will be the best-served region with 171 additional employees. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes will benefit from 112 new positions, while Occitanie completes the podium with 99 recruitments envisaged.

The first wave of hires is expected now. Depending on the evolution of the unemployment curve, two new waves could take place at the end of the year and the beginning of 2021.