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Dubai awards Benzema the "first line of defense champions" medal

8/26/2020, 10:09:12 PM

The Dubai Sports Council presented the "First Line of Defense Medal" to the French player Karim Benzema, the star and scorer of Real Madrid, in appreciation of his efforts to support the community initiatives launched by the Council during the stay at home period, at the beginning of the outbreak of the "Covid-19" pandemic. Vice lung reception

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Dubai awards Benzema the "first line of defense champions" medal

Mattar Al Tayer hands Benzema the first line of defense champions medal. From the source

The Dubai Sports Council presented the "First Line of Defense Medal" to the French player Karim Benzema, the star and scorer of Real Madrid, in appreciation of his efforts to support the community initiatives that the Council launched during the stay at home period, at the beginning of the outbreak of the "Covid-19" pandemic.

This came during the meeting of the Vice-Chairman of the Council, Mattar Al-Tayer, to the world star, who presented him with a medal engraved with the name of Karim Benzema and his shirt number, next to the image of the heroes of the "first line of defense", for his participation in the awareness campaign launched by the Council as part of the initiative "Be Active And stay healthy », and advise the sports public and various members of society to practice sports, and adhere to the directives to preserve the safety of society.

The meeting was attended by the council’s Secretary General, Saeed Hareb, and his assistant, Nasir Aman Al Rahma.

Al Tayer stressed that the Dubai Sports Council appreciates the efforts of all parties that participated in protecting the community from the champions of the first line of defense, including doctors, nurses, security sector workers and civil defense workers, and volunteers from various disciplines, who advanced the ranks, to implement the directives of the wise leadership and plans to protect the community. The council set up the pictures of the first line of defense champions in the medals it awarded to the winners in the sports tournaments, which were organized by the council after the return of sporting activity, and the council also pleased to present a special medal for the star Karim Benzema for his participation in the awareness campaign, which includes placing his name next to the image of the first line of defense champions. It is the participation that confirmed the strength of the relationship between Dubai and international sports stars, who participated as volunteers in the campaign, and communicate permanently with the Dubai Sports Council, to participate in any effort and initiative, to confirm the role of sport in the service of society.

Al Tayer also stressed that Dubai is the preferred destination for many international sports stars, who assert that it is their second home, thanks to the lifestyle that provides them with comfort, safety and enjoyment of the most beautiful places. He also stressed that Dubai Council is keen to build solid and continuous relationships with international sports stars and makers. The decision in it extends to more than participation in sporting events and international conferences.

Benzema affirmed his happiness to visit Dubai constantly, and he is keen to invite his friends to meet there. Last year, he celebrated his birthday in a special party in Dubai, and plans to invest in it in various fields in the future. He also expressed his happiness to participate in the initiative «Be active and be healthy».

He expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the heroes of the first line of defense everywhere in the world, and said that they are the stars of the confrontation that the world is waging with the dangerous epidemic, and stressed that the Dubai Council’s initiative to issue this medal represents a wonderful image of appreciation that the champions of the first line of defense deserve.

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