Teller Report

[In-It] Surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, the harder they work, the less they are.

8/26/2020, 4:16:24 AM

'Isn't it true that there are not enough doctors? When I go to a university hospital, the waiting time is always long and I only see short treatments. In dramas and documentaries, only stories of suffering from hard work come out...' This is a reaction often seen in debates over whether the number of doctors in Korea is insufficient or not.

'Isn't it true that there are not enough doctors? When I go to a university hospital, the waiting time is always long and I only see short treatments. In dramas and documentaries, only stories of suffering from hard work come out... 'This is a reaction often seen in debates over whether the number of doctors in Korea is insufficient recently.

Yes. It is undeniable that doctors' working hours are excessive. However, this is not because of a lack of doctors, nor is it because of the rise in pigs. Are doctors who receive a fixed salary in university hospitals working by reducing their sleep to make money? There are no overtime pay.

This was when I was working as an intern in thoracic surgery 10 years ago. There were several professors at the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery at a university hospital in Gangnam, Seoul, and there were two interns and only one resident. In the cardiovascular part, I was the only doctor except the professors. During that month, I was able to go home twice. There were many nighttime emergency surgeries, and people on the verge of death came from all over the country. This is because the best professor in the field lived right next to the hospital and received all emergency patients 24 hours a day. After preparing for the operation and taking the patient to the front of the operating room, a short time to sleep came to me. Of course, I didn't have the jaw to keep my sleep well on the calls coming from the ward at any time.

Then one day in the morning, a person who had taken me to the operating room as usual crossed the river of death right in front of the operating room door. CPR and abdominal aortic surgery were performed simultaneously. How much time has passed. I started to doze off while doing cardiac compressions on my own without replacement personnel, and the angry professor told me to go out right away. Of course, my brain, which was in chronic sleep deprivation, misinterpreted the word, meaning to wake up, and walked out like a zombie and fell to the floor of the changing room outside the operating room and slept. Fortunately, the surgery went well without any problems, but I felt self-defeating for quite some time. Am I lacking responsibility as a doctor? But it was definitely not my fault. When we read the stories of people who died asleep in the cold of Antarctica, we don't blame them for their weakness. The problem is not his willpower, but the murderous weather.

At this moment,'Look! After all, the lack of doctors puts the patient at risk! There may be people who think,'I have to increase doctors!' Or there may be someone who criticizes,'How much do I fall asleep in the situation if I don't have a sense of mission?' I ask them. Please think about the root cause, not just the apparent phenomenon.

The reason I was so exhausted was that I didn't have a resident. Why not go to thoracic surgery? Because all the doctors reveal money and lack a sense of mission? no. The biggest problem is that after becoming a thoracic surgeon, there is no place to work. After living in a hospital for four years and saving many lives after entering the posture of a murderous adult where others cannot go, there is no place to operate as a chest surgeon after that. The resident teacher, who kept a large hospital alone 10 years ago, does not operate now. Some doctors such as thoracic surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and infectious medicine are lacking. no. There are specialists in the field, and they are still being created. There are just no jobs.

This is because the harder the doctors work, the more deficit in the hospital, and ultimately, because of the ridiculously low cost of treatment. It is a so-called'number below cost'. The more thoracic surgery, delivery, and rehabilitation treatment, the more financial damage comes to the hospital. Therefore, only a few large hospitals that can afford the deficit can treat the avoidance department, and patients from all over the country flock there. Still, since it is not possible to employ many specialists in departments with deficits, a small number of specialists and specialists are engaged in murderous labor by treating patients from across the country.

The answer to this problem is obvious. You can spend money. Whether the government runs public hospitals that can handle the deficit and employs doctors who are evasive, the number of departments who are evasive can be realized. I'm not saying to increase doctors' salaries. It is very difficult for a doctor to talk about money in our country. There are many people who immediately treat them as snobs, asking how they talk about money in dealing with life. Of course, I think the value of life and money cannot be compared. Shouldn't we have to spare money to protect our precious life?

Since health insurance finances are limited, it is understandable that it cannot be fully used in all areas. But is the money being spent where it is really needed? Antibiotics and anticancer drugs, which are directly related to the lives of patients, are often not covered by health insurance. However, seeing that insurance is now applied to areas outside the scope of modern medicine, it is inevitable that the priority of financial input is determined by political necessity, not medical necessity. In words, doctors are bound to be angry at these different policies, saying that they will strengthen essential medical care.

Many criticize doctors' strikes as political standards. However, doctors also held strikes in 2014 against the unilateral policy progress of the previous regime. At that time, I also participated, and I was looking forward to the regime that changed afterwards. Wouldn't it be a little different? Wouldn't you like to listen to the stories of people in the field? Unfortunately, I realized that it was a vain expectation. Of course, there is a difference from 6 years ago. The strike in 2014 ended in just one day. The reason this strike is getting longer is because the doctors who majored in this year are more conscious and more selfish than the doctors who majored six years ago? no. This is because the government is more disorganized. I am admired by the natural and skillful appearance of driving the other person to the enemy beyond discomfort.

If you have a conscience, let's talk openly now. Three-minute treatment, shortage of doctors to avoid, poor public medical care, all this is because the government doesn't spend money where it should be. Because of populism, the health insurance finances are leaking to the wrong place. They say that the vote is prioritized over life.

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