Teller Report

Lisa Nordén 14: ei tempo-EM

8/24/2020, 2:46:29 PM

The four-time Swedish champion in speed cycling, Lisa Nordén, finished in 14th place when the European Championships were decided in French Plouay on Monday, almost two and a half minutes behind the winner Anna van der Breggen from the Netherlands.

The pace race went over 25.6 kilometers and the Dutchwoman's winning time was 34.03.92, 31 seconds faster than compatriot Ellen Van Dijk. Marlen Reusser from Switzerland came third, 59 seconds behind the winner.

Lisa Nordén ended up almost in the middle of the field among the 26 starters, 2.29 after the winner.

There were several Swedes in the fire when the European Road Championships began on Monday. In the ladies' U23, Wilma Olausson became the best Swede in total in all classes, with her ninth place, 1.58 after the winner Hannah Ludwig from Germany.

Ahlsson 15 and 14

In the men's U23, Jakob Ahlsson cycled in 15th place, 1.33 behind the winner Andreas Leknessund, Norway. Hugo Forssell was 23rd, 2.23 after the lead.

The two juniors Jonathan Ahlsson and Edvin Lovidius finished 14th and 24th respectively in their class, Ahlsson 1.34 after the winner Mathias Vacek, Czech Republic, and Lovidius, 2.35 behind.

ARCHIVE: Lisa Nordén unthreatened - secured fourth straight Swedish Championship gold (25/7 2020)

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Lisa Nordén unthreatened - secured fourth straight Swedish Championship gold Photo: Bildbyrån