Teller Report

Isabel Celaá leaves the decision to delay the return to school in the hands of the autonomies

8/24/2020, 10:34:40 PM

There is less and less to go back to school and far from obtaining clear answers, the concern of parents, teachers and educational centers is fueled. The situation has c

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There is less and less to go back to school and far from obtaining clear answers, the concern of parents, teachers and educational centers is fueled. The situation has changed in a crucial way compared to June, when a minimum protocol of action was established. Infections have skyrocketed and uncertainty in these circumstances continues to increase.

All eyes are directed to the Ministry of Education, which from many spheres, including politics and education, is being called for "leadership" to unify a common plan for all Spanish students.

However, the Ministry headed by Isabel Celaá refuses for now to adopt measures or force a generalized approach to all of Spain. It hides itself in the fact that the «competences» in educational matters are transferred and that, therefore, the responsibility has to lie with the autonomous communities. They are charged with the decision to say whether or not to return to schools in person.

Thus, the Ministry of Education defended this Monday that regional governments are the ones who have the ability to decide both the date of the start of the course -if it is maintained or if it is delayed- and to define what has to do with it. Including the protocols to regulate the way in which the classes will be taught to the students and to act before any positives in the centers.

The Ministry does not foresee modifications

In this sense, and in the face of speculation about a possible postponement of returning to school, the Ministry only stepped up stating that for the Government the general approach of starting "on the usual dates of September" is still in force. the 4th the 15th, depending on each community-, as well as "presence as a general principle."

"The Ministry of Education is not evaluating any modification in this regard," it was stressed. But little else. In the same note, it was said that the protocols to carry out these general principles are a matter for the autonomous communities and the role of the Ministry was limited to making "recommendations."

The Minister of Education, Isabel Celaá, with the president, Pedro Sánchez (center), in a ceremony at the end of July.

On the other hand, from some autonomies and from the PP, a more active and leading role is demanded from Celaá so that "what is going to be done is done for all the communities, since it is not acceptable that there are 17 different starts of the course." Sources from the Andalusian Ministry of Education ask to establish "equal conditions and requirements throughout the State." Likewise, the Government of Murcia claims leadership.

"The Ministry has to serve for something, to unify, at least, the minimums that guarantee that all students, throughout the Spanish territory, live where they live, have the same rights and the same guarantees," they point out from the Murcian Ministry. They want, they say, a "general framework."

Cantabria is also committed to the Ministry setting "common thresholds" on in which settings the classes will be face-to-face, mixed or remote because "it would allow a general framework of action, which would generate confidence in the educational community and a coordinated action in all territories".

Unrest among the unions

In the educational universe there is discomfort, including the unions, because they believe that Celaá could have already made decisions, such as lowering the ratio of students per class. As in April, he took the initiative to forge a pact to lower the academic requirement.

Taking homogeneous measures for the return to school is at the expense of what may result in the two key meetings that will be held throughout this week. This Tuesday one of the regional vice councilors for Education with the number two of the Ministry, Alejandro Tiana , is summoned . There they will put some technical questions together and possibly share solutions.

The most relevant appointment will be on Thursday, when the Ministers of Education, Isabel Celaá; Health, Salvador Illa; and Territorial Policy, Carolina Darias, with the regional councilors of the branch. What is certain is that a basic document on risk reduction will be put on the table, which implies how schools have to be prepared, and another, which will be prepared by Health, on how to act in the event of outbreaks.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Isabel Celaá
  • Salvador Illa
  • PP

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