Teller Report

Covid, the return of all dangers?

8/24/2020, 8:04:52 PM

Around Julian Bugier, several guests decipher and discuss a topical fact that raises questions. Today, Frédéric Anchet, Benjamin Davido and Ghislaine David are discussing the start of the school year in a context of an unprecedented health crisis.

Around Julian Bugier, several guests decipher and discuss a topical fact that raises questions. Today, Frédéric Anchet, Benjamin Davido and Ghislaine David are discussing the start of the school year in a context of an unprecedented health crisis.


- Frédéric Adnet , head of the emergency department at Avicenne de Bobigny hospital

Benjamin Davido , infectious disease specialist at Raymond Poincaré hospital in Garches, referring physician for the covid-19 crisis

- Ghislaine David , Spokesperson and co-secretary general of snuipp-fsu