Teller Report

Corona news today ... a curfew in the sector, Usain Bolt injured, and a German warning against traveling to France

8/24/2020, 11:25:11 PM

The authorities in the Gaza Strip announced a curfew in the whole sector for a period of 48 hours after discovering four cases of Coronavirus, and the German authorities also warned against traveling to some French regions due to the outbreak of the virus in them.

As of Monday evening, the number of people infected with the Coronavirus in the world exceeded 23 million and 756 thousand, of whom more than 815 thousand died, and more than 16 million and 235 thousand recovered, according to the World Meter website, which specializes in tracking Corona infection numbers around the world.

The following are the most prominent developments and events related to the outbreak of the Coronavirus around the world, as reported in international news agencies, Mecca time:

1:00 - Tunisia announced on Monday that it had recorded 75 new cases of Corona virus. The Tunisian Ministry of Health also reported 11 patients recovered.

The ministry stated, in a statement, that the total number of injuries rose to 2,893, including 71 deaths, and 1,454 recoveries.

00:50 - The Mauritanian Ministry of Health announced the registration of 23 cases of corona, in addition to 50 recoveries. And it stated in a statement that the total number of injuries rose to 6,928, including 158 deaths, and that it had recorded 6,282 recoveries.

00:50 - The Supreme National Committee to Combat Corona (governmental) in Yemen announced the registration of two deaths and 5 injuries, in addition to the healing of 4 patients.

In a statement, the committee indicated that the total number of injuries rose to 1916, including 555 deaths and 1,090 recoveries.

This toll does not include injuries in the areas under the control of the Houthis, who announced, until May 18, that only 4 cases had been recorded, including one death, amid official and popular accusations that they were concealing the true number of victims.

00:40 - The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) called on international and human rights institutions to work to end the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip and provide all the requirements for facing the Corona virus.

In a statement issued on Monday evening, the movement’s spokesman, Fawzi Barhoum, called on the Palestinian Authority to "play its role and assume its full responsibilities towards the besieged Gaza residents, especially in light of the risk of the virus spreading inside the Strip."

00:30 - The authorities in the besieged Gaza Strip confirm four injuries in a refugee camp, and the security forces announce a complete curfew in the Strip for a period of 48 hours.

Coronavirus awareness campaign in Germany (Getty Images)

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Gaza Strip has lived in a relatively safe situation, due to the blockade imposed on it, as no case has been recorded from inside it.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health says that all the registered cases in Gaza are from returnees to the Strip, through the Rafah crossings with Egypt, and Beit Hanoun with Israel, who are hosted in special quarantine centers for a period of 21 days.

With the announcement of the four new infections, the number of people infected with the virus in the Gaza Strip rises to 113, including 40 active cases, 72 recoveries and one death.

00:00 - The Israeli Ministry of Health announced the registration of 10 new deaths and 1,471 cases of Corona virus. The total number of injuries rose to 104,145, including 847 deaths.

About 81,300 recovered, bringing the number of active cases (the current injured) to 21,983, including 416 in severe cases, 115 connected to respirators.

00:00 - Jamaican athletics legend Usain Bolt - winner of eight Olympic gold medals - hinted that he was infected with the new Corona virus and entered medical isolation.

Bolt posted a video recording through his accounts on the "Twitter" social networking network and the "Instagram" network for sharing photos on Monday evening, in which he confirmed that he had undergone the Corona test yesterday, Saturday.

"I am trying to be responsible, so I will stay where I am. I will stay here for my friends," said the world record holder in the 100 and 200 meters.

00:00 - The German Foreign Ministry said late Monday that Berlin issued a travel advisory against the French regions of Paris (PARIS) and the French Riviera (RIVIERA) due to the high number of coronavirus cases there.

The ministry added that it had warned against unnecessary tourist trips to the "le-de-France" region, which includes the French capital and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (southern which includes Marseille). Marseille and Nice (NICE), due to the high number of injuries.

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