Teller Report

Complications of drugs that destroy marital relationships and lead to a behavioral disorder

8/24/2020, 7:37:53 PM

Side effects of some medicines affect a person’s behavior without realizing it, and may lead to his transformation from a calm and peaceful person to a nervous person who tends to violence, according to doctors and specialists who confirmed that these personality changes may cause families to break down when the spouses reach a divorce, or someone commits violations. And mesh

Causes depression and nervousness leading to cases in court

Complications of drugs that destroy marital relationships and lead to a behavioral disorder

  • Issa bin Haider: lawyer at the Federal Supreme Court


Side effects of some medicines affect a person’s behavior without realizing it, and may lead to his transformation from a calm and peaceful person to a nervous person who tends to violence, according to doctors and specialists who confirmed that these personality changes may cause families to break down when the spouses reach a divorce, or someone commits violations. And problems that may lead him to the courts.

Specialists said that mental health clinics and hospitals receive patients who suffer symptoms, such as depression, tension, and anger, exposing them to societal and family problems, and in the end it was found that they are due to medicines, such as: medicines for treating acne, or weight loss, and others for treating asthma, and some Other diseases, take them either by prescription without knowing their complications, or individually without consulting the specialists.

In detail, the consultant psychiatrist, the medical director of Al-Amal Hospital for Mental Health of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, Dr. Muhammad Abdul-Maqsoud, said that the hospital receives patients suffering from psychological symptoms, resulting from taking medicines and drugs to treat diseases and other health problems, indicating that these accompanying psychological symptoms, It may lead to the destruction of some families by the arrival of both parties to divorce, while for some people it causes social isolation and disturbances in behavior with those around them.

He explained that there are some medicines, such as those given to treat acne, which are used to lose weight, in addition to contraceptive drugs, and other other medicines, accompanied by psychological symptoms, such as: depression, tension, severe nervousness, and affect the human nervous system and his behavior. Which may cause many problems, and the symptoms do not end unless you stop taking the medicine.

He pointed out that many people have encountered problems in their work and their community environment, as a result of these psychological symptoms associated with some medicines, without realizing that the drug is the main reason behind these changes in their lives.

Abdul-Maqsoud stressed the need for all doctors to adhere to educating their patients about the possible side effects of the drugs they dispense to them accurately and transparently, as ignoring this step is a major cause of this problem, and every person must read the medicine's internal leaflet well before taking it, so that he can deal with the possible symptoms. That may occur to it.

He added that some drugs have a negative impact on a man's sexual abilities, causing him temporary sexual weakness, and also resulting in psychological and family problems, which ultimately lead families to see psychiatrists or family counselors, and some of them reach divorce or the courts.

For his part, a consultant psychiatrist at Al-Amal Hospital, Dr. Muhammad Hassan Faraj Allah, said that many medicines for treating asthma and high blood pressure, and antivirals, result in accompanying psychological problems, most notably: anxiety and depression, which in turn contribute to changing a person's mood. And pushes some to psychological state that tends to violence and tense nerves.

He stressed that the person’s exposure to side psychological complications of some medications, in addition to the life stresses he is going through, may lead to highly emotional behaviors and reactions, resulting in many problems, so every patient must find out the original cause of the change that occurs within him and deal with it. Appropriately.

Farajallah suggested adding to the duties of family counselors, when considering family issues and problems, the need to investigate whether one of the parties is taking drugs that may result in psychological complications or not, and if this is proven, they are referred to psychiatry to receive the necessary treatment and guidance.

For her part, the psychological, family and marital counselor, Naameh Khalfan Al Shamsi, stressed that some family problems that family counselors deal with are caused by psychological problems and disorders on one side, such as depression, which leads to other problems, exacerbation of disputes and threatening family life and its stability.

She called for the need for family and community relations to be fully transparent, and for every person to stand on the cause and origin of the psychological change that occurred to him, share the causes with the other party, and be aware of the complications of drugs and drugs before taking them, especially those that result in a mood and nervous change, as it is a satisfactory symptom, such as depression in One of the spouses, may eventually lead to divorce.

And she stressed the importance of the attending physician developing a treatment plan, which includes awareness of the symptoms and potential complications of the drug, so that the patient realizes what he should do, avoiding any problems at the family or community level.

Legal liability

The lawyer at the Federal Supreme Court, Issa bin Haider, said that many of the divorce cases that reach the courts were due to the suffering of one of the spouses psychological symptoms, either due to mental illness, or as a result of symptoms associated with drugs and therapeutic drugs taken by one of the spouses, indicating that husbands use them As a legal basis, to obtain child custody.

He pointed out that the person who commits a legal problem under the influence of a licensed drug that causes him to lose part of his awareness, such as a traffic offense or others, falls under the penalty of the law, but the penalty is reduced, while the law looks in a different way to those who suffer a state of complete loss of consciousness, where he is exempt Of the punishment.

The side effects of asthma medication, weight gain and acne, cause severe mental and mental symptoms.

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