Teller Report

Belarusian security official who became the hero of the meme spoke about what is happening in the photo from the protest action

8/24/2020, 8:04:46 PM

A Belarusian employee of the internal troops, who became the hero of a famous photo from the protests in Minsk, told RT correspondent Igor Zhdanov what was happening in the photo.

“We had one detainee. He had alcoholic and very strong drug intoxication. Later we were told that thank God you found the doctors, because there could be trouble. He was detained - he was in our transport, ”the security official said.

He noted that he saw an ambulance about 100 meters away from him.

“And I gave the command to my guys to take him to this ambulance ... He was just unconscious. Lay down and lay on the ground. I'm trying to revive him. And right there, on the right, about 50 meters away, people are standing and shouting: "Let him go!" I tell them that I provide him with medical assistance, but they do not hear. The people just went crazy. Then I get up, take my hands away from him, show: I let him go, and now what? .. I told my friend to run after the doctors ... and evacuate him to the ambulance, ”the man said.

Watch the full interview on RT on Tuesday 25 August.