Teller Report

E-commerce economy is changing the consumption habits of young people, "check in" to create a new consumer experience

8/23/2020, 9:58:16 PM

 Emotional needs are one of the main consumption drivers   The e-commerce economy is changing the consumption habits of young people   China's booming e-commerce economy is affecting the lifestyle and consumption habits of young people. The "New Youth and New Consumption Observation Research Report" recently released by the School of Journalism and Communication of Beijing Normal University poin...

 Emotional needs are one of the main consumption drivers

  The e-commerce economy is changing the consumption habits of young people

  China's booming e-commerce economy is affecting the lifestyle and consumption habits of young people. The "New Youth and New Consumption Observation Research Report" recently released by the School of Journalism and Communication of Beijing Normal University pointed out that there are 650 million mobile Internet users aged 19-35, and the youth group has become the main force of Internet consumption in China. Many young people online shopping are easily affected by social networking, short videos, live broadcasts, etc. They like to try new things, are willing to share products with their friends, and reach deals at lower prices through group joins.

  Social e-commerce makes shopping more fun

  Li Qian from Chengdu is the mother of a two-year-old child. She noticed that many colleagues would take the initiative to send group-join links when shopping. "Together with my colleagues, I bought milk powder, toys, diapers and other products together." Li Qian said that good things should be shared with everyone. Gradually, she "shop around" and find products with high cost performance. , Also formed the habit of putting together orders with friends.

  It is understood that recommending products to others, "making up all the money" together, putting together orders, and exchanging experiences have become a lot of people’s pleasure. The evolution of "buying" and finding "like-minded friends" in consumption habits has become a compulsory course for many young people in online shopping.

  "Traditional e-commerce is a person doing searches in massive amounts of information, but new e-commerce is making decisions with friends." Li Qian said when summarizing her shopping experience. Youth online shopping presents the characteristics of socially guiding consumption, and has a strong willingness to communicate and share. The new e-commerce model that allows users to share products with friends and join groups to enjoy low prices is welcomed by young users. Because young people are accustomed to online shopping for fresh agricultural products, many fresh food apps and group buying platforms have launched social sharing shopping modes such as "multiple outlets + multi-person group".

  In addition to the influence of social e-commerce models, young people's shopping is also easily affected by live broadcasts. "I especially like watching live broadcasts during dinner. It is more decompressive. Some live broadcasts are very interesting and you can also grab good and cheap things. It's like playing rush-buying games with your hands. I am very happy to buy!" Hangzhou girl Xiaoxia is used to After watching live broadcasts, I will consume impulsively at first, but now I am more rational when I watch more, "buy what you need, watch variety shows if you don't need it."

  Experts pointed out that live streaming is essentially a live shopping guide. The most important thing is social attributes, which meets the shopping information and emotional needs of the "home family". The anchors explain demonstrations, try them out, answer questions, and quickly let consumers understand and accept the product. Consumers can interact in real time and have questions and answers with the anchors through barrage. Under the promotion strategy of "limited time, limited price and hot sale", the young people in the e-commerce live broadcast room sometimes exhibit impulsive consumption behavior, and some "experiential" users become continuous viewers of the live broadcast without clear shopping Demand, but to take the live broadcast of the goods as a companion program with value to watch, and wait for the products of interest to appear for a long time.

  "Check in" to create a new consumer experience

  According to the survey, many young people pay attention to novel experiences and pursue innovation in online shopping, and practicality is no longer the main factor affecting their consumption decisions.

  Taobao data shows that sales of strange foods like snail noodles, stinky tofu, and canned herring are increasing year by year. Take the snail noodles in Liuzhou, Guangxi as an example, live broadcasts, food and broadcast performances, and social media marketing topics created momentum, making it famous for a while. During the "Zhaijia" epidemic prevention period, trying to eat snail noodles has also become a matter for many video bloggers at home and abroad to "check in". The young netizens who have been screened, even if they have not eaten snail noodles, are curious to buy them.

  "The unique taste of snail noodles makes diners full of adventurous spirits when they taste them for the first time, and after the adventure, people like to share them." Mr. Ma, a "foodie", believes that snail noodles are popular because they are topical and entertaining. Sex. According to the latest data from the Guangxi Liuzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, in the first half of 2020, the output value of Liuzhou's bagged snail flour reached 4.98 billion yuan.

  Some experts believe that in the process of perceiving, experiencing, and consuming goods, young people's emotional needs are one of their main consumption motivations, especially the spiritual comfort brought by consumer goods. Therefore, consumption of milk tea, hot pot and other "small fortunate" consumption has also become the psychological compensation for young people at home during the epidemic prevention period.

  As the situation of China's epidemic prevention and control continues to improve, many people "want to go out". Statistics show that popular tourist attractions promoted by the media and short videos have attracted more young tourists. Travel products with stories and sentiments are often more touching. The "check-in economy" spawned by them is becoming a new trend in China's tourism market. growth point.

  It is understood that the "net celebrity check-in location" mainly relies on new media forms, using vibrato short videos, Xiaohongshu, Weibo and other methods to promote. A "post-95" girl said that "checking in" is an early adopter, and those suitable for taking pictures and video sharing are especially popular. Some famous attractions, such as the Palace Museum, have become more popular under the influence of short videos and self-media. And some of the not-so-famous attractions in the past have also achieved a "turn over" because of media communication. For example, the "net red bridge" in Chengdu Jiangtan Park has attracted the younger generation to "check in."

  This also resulted in the phenomenon of "swarm clocking in" and "improper clocking in". Recently, the “U-shaped highway” of the G315 national highway in Golmud, Qinghai has become a new “net celebrity check-in place” because of its beautiful scenery. However, many traffic accidents occurred because tourists stopped to take pictures. Recently, the Qinghai Cultural Tourism Department issued a notice stating that the highway is an important traffic road and is not suitable as a tourist photo spot, and severe penalties will be imposed on those who illegally park and take photos. This also reminds visitors that they should do their homework and understand clearly before "checking in" the Internet celebrity, and don't blindly follow suit.

  Li Xueqin