Teller Report

The “Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen” destroys an IED

8/20/2020, 6:58:15 PM

The Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen announced this evening the interception and destruction of a "booby-trapped" drone launched by the terrorist Houthi militia from the capital, Sanaa, towards civilian objects and civilians in the southern region. This was stated by the spokesman for the Coalition Forces, Colonel Turki Al-Malik

The “Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen” destroys an IED

The spokesman for the coalition forces to support legitimacy in Yemen, Colonel Turki Al-Maliki

The Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen announced this evening the interception and destruction of a "booby-trapped" drone launched by the terrorist Houthi militia from the capital, Sanaa, towards civilian objects and civilians in the southern region. This was stated by a spokesman for the Coalition Forces, Colonel Turki Al-Maliki.

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