Teller Report

Lavrov expressed hope for the speedy resumption of flights with Georgia

8/20/2020, 10:25:08 PM

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in an interview with the Trud newspaper, expressed the hope that air traffic with Georgia would be restored in the near future, and confirmed Moscow's intention to normalize relations with Tbilisi.

“I would like to hope that the resumption of flights is a matter of the near future,” Lavrov said.

He added that Russia is monitoring the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the region and expects an improvement in the situation.

At the same time, the Russian Foreign Minister stressed that Moscow is committed to normalizing Russian-Georgian relations.

“Our attitude is that the more normalization the better. There are no restrictions on the Russian side here. But our Georgian partners, who periodically play the anti-Russian card for opportunistic purposes, clearly lack consistency in this regard, ”Lavrov said.

He recalled that Russia ranks second in terms of trade with Georgia and is the leader in terms of private money transfers to this country.

On July 8, 2019, a decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin came into force on a temporary ban on flights with Georgia.

The Kremlin said it hopes to create conditions for the restoration of air traffic with Georgia.