Teller Report

"Education" looks at a global framework for reopening schools

8/20/2020, 10:10:39 PM

During a virtual meeting, the Ministry of Education was briefed on a global framework for reopening schools, developed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), UNICEF, the World Bank Group, and the World Food Program, and many countries around the world rushed to implement it.

It sets strict requirements to maintain the safety of students

"Education" looks at a global framework for reopening schools

The meeting touched on several different models from countries around the world that applied the global framework for reopening schools. ■ from the source

During a virtual meeting, the Ministry of Education was briefed on a global framework for reopening schools, developed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), UNICEF, the World Bank Group and the World Food Program, and many countries around the world rushed to implement it.

The framework sets special standards related to the reopening of schools in accordance with strict requirements that preserve the safety of students, and ensure their reintegration into the educational environment to continue the educational process, which prevented the continuation of the spread of the "Covid-19" virus in various countries of the world. The meeting was organized by the Department of External Educational Organizations and Relations and the Education Committee for International Organizations of the National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, and was attended by Director of the International Institute for Educational Planning - UNESCO, Susan Grant Lewis.

The meeting aims to identify the special criteria set by the framework to reopen schools, provide support, and contribute to national preparations for the educational planning process, in addition to clarifying how to implement the opening of schools in a way that takes into account the public safety of students.

Lewis reviewed the effects of the outbreak of the "Covid-19" virus on education globally, noting that students in most countries of the world have discontinued traditional education, as most countries have replaced smart learning tools to continue educating their citizens, in a desire to reduce the effects of the pandemic and maintain an acceptable level of continuity. The educational process, especially for the advanced educational stages, which led to the emergence of a problem related to the marginalization of students of the lower levels in public education, and their lack of access to a good education during the pandemic, which calls for research into ways to improve their academic achievement.

Lewis stressed that those involved in setting educational policies must work with community members to build bridges of confidence, in preparation for the reopening of schools and the reception of students according to controls that take into account health aspects and the quality of the educational environment. Partial, and the reopening of schools completely, stressing that these stages create a positive atmosphere and move from the educational patterns used during the pandemic period to the usual traditional educational patterns.

The global framework defined the purpose of each stage in line with the plans of each country to effectively resume school attendance, stressing, during the pre-reopening stage, the need to develop the necessary preparedness, policies, procedures, and financing plans required to improve education, with a focus on safety operations, This includes promoting distance learning practices, while in the second phase, which is partial opening of schools, work must be done to adopt proactive methods to reintegrate marginalized and out of school children, and to invest in water, sanitation and hygiene services to reduce risks, and focus on compensatory education In the third stage, which is the full opening of schools, effective monitoring of health indicators, increased focus on health and protection, enhanced education assets, and the adaptation of distance learning to mixed teaching and learning methods, including providing knowledge on the prevention of transmission Diseases and their prevention.

The meeting touched on several different models from countries around the world that applied the framework, and had an effective role in restoring students' safety in school attendance.


Stages of reopening schools according to a global framework.

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