Teller Report

Sarangjeil Church, "Keep it by death", enforces worship because of'money'?

8/19/2020, 11:43:07 AM

It is pointed out that the reason Sarangjeil Church, which is at the center of the re-proliferation of infection in the metropolitan area, held church worship despite the seriousness of the Corona 19 incident was because of'money'. Area 10 Jangwi New Town, Jangwi-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, where Sarangjeil Church is currently located, has been designated as a redevelopment area, and residents have started moving from last year.

It is pointed out that the reason Sarangjeil Church, which is at the center of the re-proliferation of infection in the metropolitan area, held church worship despite the seriousness of the Corona 19 incident was because of'money'.

Area 10 Jangwi New Town, Jangwi-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, where Sarangjeil Church is currently located, has been designated as a redevelopment area, and residents have started moving from last year.

Most of the residents have already left this place, but the demolition and start of construction have been postponed because some such as Sarangjeil Church have not moved. The compensation amount assessed by the Seoul City Land Expropriation Committee was 8.2 billion, because the church demanded 56.3 billion won for the reduction of members, financial losses, and construction costs to build a new church six times larger than the current one.

In response to unreasonable demands, the Jangwi District 10 Redevelopment Association eventually filed a lawsuit against Sarangjeil Church in May. A name lawsuit is a lawsuit in which a person who has rights in real estate demands that the person who owns the real estate be released. The church lost the lawsuit.

However, the church side strongly opposed the demolition of the church building two times in June and prevented it. The first trial court, the Seoul Northern District Law, also applied for a suspension of enforcement, but it was not accepted.

The church did not give in, and unified the entrance so that barbed wires were placed throughout the building and forced executions could be prevented with a small number of personnel. In addition, although he had been in a state of receiving the'recommendation for observing the quarantine regulations' from June 3rd, he showed an attitude that he would not respond to the demolition by steadily conducting worship and camping members in the church building.

In addition, it is known that it was the third time to apply for the suspension of demolition execution, which was dismissed at the appeal court. Even today (19th) morning, it was confirmed that a text message was sent to the members of the Jangwi District 10 redevelopment union with the message "Sarang First Church members will protect the church by death."

As of today's noon, the cumulative number of Sarangjeil Church confirmed 623 people, and netizens who heard the news said, "Is all political excuses and the purpose of redevelopment compensation?" It's showing a reaction.

This is'News Pick'.

(Photo = Yonhap News)