Teller Report

Russian cosmonaut filmed unknown objects in space

8/19/2020, 12:40:26 PM

Russian cosmonaut Ivan Wagner, who works aboard the ISS, posted a video on Twitter that captured five unknown objects in space.

He explained that he noticed them, filming the aurora over Antarctica.

Space guests, or how I filmed the new time-lapse.

The peak of aurora borealis when passing over the Antarctic in Australia's longitude, meaning in between them. However, in the video, you will see something else, not only the aurora.

- Ivan Vagner (@ ivan_mks63) August 19, 2020

“In the ninth to twelfth seconds, five objects appear, which fly in a parallel course at the same distance from each other,” he wrote.

The astronaut wondered what it was: meteors, satellites, or something else.

Wagner said that he brought the information to the leadership of Roskosmos, TsNIIMash and the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.