Teller Report

Learn about the most prominent features of Android 11 .. Will the flying taxi fly in our airspace soon?

8/19/2020, 4:31:08 PM

It dealt with an episode (8/19/2020) of the program "Smart Life" The most prominent features of the new version Android 11, and will the flying taxi fly in our airspace soon? The episode also featured the latest releases of small-sized desktop computers.

The latest Google operating system for Android 11 mobile phones came with urgent changes that developers worked on with users, and Google focused more on people and gave them various ways to express, restructuring the way conversations take place, and increased reliance on artificial intelligence to identify the most important people in your life and identify the most important people. Their priorities.

Among the features that were re-used in Android 11, enabling the user to know the details of messages and respond to them without opening the application, while keeping the conversations visible and accessible to the user if his tasks were multitasking, and the keyboard also provides suggestions for quick responses, in addition to the ability to include images directly in application responses Without allowing her to access the photo library on the phone.

The new system prevents notifications while shooting videos or live broadcasts, and Google has removed the limit for recording video clips, and the user can schedule the night mode according to times that suit him.

The user can also control all his smart devices without having to open various applications through the interface. Pressing the power button shows the medical information of the device owner, along with a list of emergency numbers.

The new Android update also provides better data storage, and gives the user more control over privacy permissions by allowing the app to access the device's microphone, camera, or website only once, and if a long time has passed in which the user has not used the app, the system automatically withdraws all the permissions granted to the app.

As for the feature of retaining the recycle for 30 days, it is no longer limited to images, but now includes all types of digital files.