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Kroos reveals "merciless" celebrations by Real Madrid players after the historic defeat of Barcelona

8/19/2020, 4:01:14 PM

Real Madrid star, German Toni Kroos, revealed that the players of the Madrid team, "did not show mercy to Barcelona" after losing Bayern Munich, 8-2 in the Champions League. "The celebrations were ruthless and malicious," he was quoted by the Marca newspaper as saying, "It's crazy

Kroos reveals "merciless" celebrations by Real Madrid players after the historic defeat of Barcelona

Real Madrid star, German Toni Kroos, revealed that the players of the Madrid team, "did not show mercy to Barcelona" after losing Bayern Munich, 8-2 in the Champions League. "Marca" newspaper quoted him as saying that "the celebrations were merciless and malicious" and that "crazy things from Madrid players were circulating on the WhatsApp groups."

Things were crazy among the players, he said, after losing the traditional rivals. He stressed that these celebrations exceeded those that took place after Barcelona lost the same tournament in a previous period, from Liverpool and Rome, where some Madrid players were running in rooms madly to celebrate Barcelona's exclusion.

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