Teller Report

Athletics Association about Finnkampen: "In the hands of others' decisions"

8/19/2020, 7:07:07 AM

With two weeks left until Finnkampen, Finland today reintroduced travel restrictions to several countries. The question now is whether the competition will go off as planned. - Of course we hope, but we must also state that we are in the hands of others' decisions, says the Swedish Athletics Association's general secretary Stefan Olsson to SVT Sport.

Earlier this morning, the news came that the Finnish government is reintroducing travel restrictions to several countries. Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Germany, Greece and Malta are affected by the decision, reports Swedish Yle.

Whether the decision will affect Finnkampen, which will be held 5-6 September, is still unclear.

- We are still waiting for information and it will come this week from the Finnish association, says the Swedish Athletics Association's general secretary Stefan Olsson to SVT Sport.

Do you know when the message is expected to be more accurate?

- No sorry. But of course we hope for a message as soon as possible so that we can possibly start planning for it to be canceled or cancel trips and so if it is not canceled.

Sweden wants the competition to end

Stefan Olsson does not dare to say whether there will be a Finnkamp this year or not.

- It is very difficult to say but my opinion is that the Finnish Federation will listen to the authorities' recommendations.

Despite the ongoing pandemic, Sweden hopes that the competition will end.

- We hope of course, but must also state that we are in the hands of others' decisions quite simply.

If it is canceled in Finaland, is it an alternative to arrange Finnkampen in Sweden?

- No, it's too short notice. If nothing happens in Finland, it will blow off.