Teller Report

Around the question - What can we know about reality? (Replay)

8/19/2020, 1:52:46 PM

Our guest of the day, the thinker Edgar Morin, will question himself around the following question: “What can we know about reality? ".

What can we know about reality? (Replay)

Cover of Edgar Morin's book “Connaissance, ignorance, mystère”, published by Fayard. Fayard

By: Caroline Lachowsky

Our guest of the day, the thinker Edgar Morin, will question himself around the following question: “What can we know about reality? ".


(Replay of May 24, 2017)

I live more and more with the awareness and the feeling of the presence of the unknown in the known, of the enigma in the banal, of the mystery in everything and, in particular, of the advances of a new ignorance in each advanced knowledge,  ”Edgar Morin tells us. In his eyes, the mystery in no way devalues ​​the knowledge that leads to it. He makes us aware of the occult powers that control and possess us, like Daimons inside and outside of us. But, above all, it stimulates and strengthens the poetic feeling of existence.

With Edgar Morin , French philosopher and sociologist, thinker of complexity for his book Connaissance, ignorance, mystère, published by Fayard.

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