Teller Report

Sarangjeil Church, who escaped from Paju Hospital, arrested in Seoul

8/18/2020, 10:37:09 PM

I wonder if this is a problem with the church, but there are successive cases where the confirmed cases of Sarangjeil Church run away during quarantine treatment. Following Pohang yesterday, a confirmed patient in her 50s fled from Paju, Gyeonggi-do yesterday, and was caught in Seoul this morning.


I wonder if this is a problem with the church, but there are successive cases of Sarangjeil Church confirmed patients fleeing during quarantine treatment. Yesterday (17th) after Pohang, a confirmed patient in her 50s fled from Paju, Gyeonggi-do yesterday, and was caught in Seoul this morning.

This is Jung Yoon-sik.


A member of Sarangjeil Church, a man in his 50s who was confirmed 4 days ago and was hospitalized at Paju Hospital, but ran away at about 0:20 am yesterday.

According to the hospital, the man appears to have left the hospital by crawling on the floor in the hallway or hiding behind a wall.

[Neighboring merchant: (The place where the confirmed person passed) I sprayed it hard with a sterilizer. (The store) I thought I had to pay close attention to the outside.] A

few hours later, this man, who was caught by CCTV in the Jongno area of ​​Seoul, was finally arrested by the police at a coffee shop in Sinchon, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul at around 1:10 am today. .

The man captured after 25 hours of escape was taken to Paju Hospital right after his arrest.

Police said the man was wearing a mask at the time of arrest and said it would cooperate with health authorities to track the route and reduce the number of further infected people.

Prior to this, yesterday in Pohang, a confirmed patient of Sarangjeil Church was caught after four hours of running away from the hospital refusing to go to the hospital.

As the condemnation of the church infection, centered on Sarangjeil Church, came out, Christian groups criticized Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon for political action and issued a statement of apology.

[Kim Tae-young/President of the Korean Federation of Churches: Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon is not sure if he does that even while undermining the holiness of worship.]

Christian organizations urged the former pastor to return to the attitude of the church's spirit rather than to the people.

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