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Mauritania: the prosecution specifies the reason for the summons of ex-president Abdel Aziz

8/18/2020, 9:29:56 PM

In Mauritania, former President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has been heard since Monday, August 17 by the Directorate for the Fight against Economic Crimes and detained at the Directorate of National Security.…

Mauritania: the prosecution specifies the reason for the summons of ex-president Abdel Aziz

Former Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz is at the heart of an investigation into alleged embezzlement of public funds (illustrative image) AFP PHOTO / WATT ABELJELIL

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In Mauritania, former President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has been heard since Monday, August 17 by the Directorate for the Fight against Economic Crimes and detained at the Directorate of National Security. In a statement, the prosecution clarified the reason for his summons and the framework in which it took place, in response to his lawyers who denounced kidnapping and degrading treatment inflicted on their client.


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The prosecution says it wants to respond to those who want to “  negatively influence the procedure  ”. He ensures that the preliminary investigation is carried out in accordance with the laws in force. And that "  the defendant  " was informed of all his rights including the right of his family to visit him.

Like all defendants, the former Mauritanian president also has the right to meet his lawyers, said the prosecution. Before adding: this does not necessarily mean that the lawyer participates in the investigation operations carried out by the judicial police officers.

►  To read also: Mauritania: the former president heard in the investigation into economic crimes

An answer that does not satisfy his lawyers, who say they do not have the same interpretation of the law and who always complain about the conditions of their client's detention.

On the reason for the summons which had not been specified on Monday, August 17, the prosecution confirms that it is indeed following the conclusions of the parliamentary inquiry into the years during which he was in power that the former president must be heard .

An investigation that brought to light several suspected cases of embezzlement of public property, and whose report was submitted to justice on August 5. For the time being, the person has refused to answer all the questions put to him.

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  • Mauritania
  • Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz

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