Teller Report

Between "fair and apolitical" and "a mountain gave birth to a mouse" ... the decision of the International Tribunal divides the Lebanese

8/18/2020, 7:04:21 PM

Lebanese reactions continued to the decision of the International Tribunal for the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, who had deliberately and premeditated Salim Ayyash for the Hariri assassination.

Lebanese reactions continued to the decision of the International Tribunal for the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, who had deliberately and premeditated Salim Ayyash for the Hariri assassination.

The court said - in the speech session - that it had not proven any evidence of the involvement of Asad Sabra and Hussein Oneisi in the Hariri assassination, and it also acquitted Hassan Marei of the charge of coordinating the assassination, and the court convicted both Sabra and Anissi on charges of misleading the court.

The court stated that the defense of the convicts had one month to respond to the verdict or request an appeal.

Lebanese launched the hashtags "# Rafiq Hariri, # International_Court", "#Justice_for_Lebanon" and "Salim Ayyash" and tweeted an interaction with the verdict in the assassination that took place on February 14, 2005, and the bombing killed Hariri and 21 people with him and injured 226 people.

Tweeters criticized the court’s decision in several aspects, most notably the long years it took and the exorbitant sums, and they rejected the decision, which they considered to be absent from aspects of the event, while others asserted that “the court is neither emotional nor biased, and it deals with evidence and facts, and this enhances its credibility, unlike the courts. Biased local. "

For his part, his son Saad Hariri said, "This moment we have been waiting for for 15 years, and this moment reminds us that no matter what happens, we remain one family. We have one pain and our heart is one, and this is my pledge to the father of the martyr # Rafik Hariri, and I add to his famous phrase" No one is bigger than Baldu. " It is "what is greater than the Lebanese decision of truth and justice, and what is greater than justice."

Saad Hariri's first comment after the verdict was passed in the case of the assassination of his father, the martyr Prime Minister Rafik Hariri # mtvlebanonnews

- MTV Lebanon News (@MTVLebanonNews) August 18, 2020

We have waited for this moment for 15 years, and this moment reminds us that no matter what happens, we remain one family, our pain is one, and our heart is one, and this is my pledge to the father of the martyr # Rafik Hariri, and I add to his famous sentence, "What is greater than Baldou", that "no limit is greater than the decision of the Lebanese to the truth." And justice, and what is greater than justice.

- Saad Hariri (@saadhariri) August 18, 2020

$ 600 million, the cost of a court and 15 years of investigation, to reach (Alak Masadi) and speculation that does not rise to the level of what happened in Lebanon.
It seems that the blood of Rafik Hariri went in the context of the sectarian and political escalation among all.
Oh God, waiting for the next court in the case of # Port_Beirut

- Osama Al-Hamad (@OsamaAlhamad_RT) August 18, 2020

Postponing .. to issue a judgment at a cost of 800 million and 15 years. Motivation, accusations, incitement and crying at the head of the dead, political pleading, regional international influence, insolence, corruption and enrichment under the pretext of paying a bodily price. After a week, it came up that has nothing to do with Hezbollah and Syria, and all that happened since the first day, political debauchery and immorality And accusations of false witnesses and insulting and eating ....

- ziad assouad (@ZiadAssouad) August 18, 2020

Rafik Hariri served him,
and the judiciary was spent on him once again.
May God have mercy on him. # The International Court

- Nishan (@Neshan) August 18, 2020

The court will leave many in suspicion, but what is certain is: For the first time in Lebanon, a verdict for political assassinations is passed, it can be said that it is far from politicization. #International_Court # Lebanon # Rafik Hariri

- D® Phil (@philabouzeid) August 18, 2020

Two facts this afternoon:
- The International Tribunal is not politicized.
A senior leader in Hezbollah killed Rafik Hariri and caused the destruction of Lebanon.

What was it you wanted? The court reveals a secret connection between Nasrallah and Ayyash, saying in Nasrallah: Kill Rafik Hariri on February 14, 2005 at 1 pm, with a teaser soundtrack?

- Dima Dima Sadek (@DimaSadek) August 18, 2020

As long as President Aoun talks about achieving justice in the assassination of President # Fayq Al Hariri and about everyone's desire to uncover the circumstances of this heinous crime, he is expected to work to hold Ayyash accountable and hand him over to justice. # The International Court

- Jumana Nammour (@JoumanaNammour) August 18, 2020

The Lebanese is dramatic, he lives with conspiracy, and is accustomed to justice in the Lebanese way, so we find some shocked by the decision of international justice. With the court in four defendants, one of them was convicted and the others were acquitted. You were expecting my names to descend by parachute suddenly, as we are not accustomed to in Lebanon. International Court

- Wissam Breidy (@WissamBreidy) August 18, 2020

We are accustomed to justice the Lebanese way, so we find some people shocked by the decision of international justice. The truth is that the court has proven its integrity.
Salim Ayyash, a member of Hezbollah, has been convicted of killing Rafik Hariri, in a crime the court described as a terrorist. Who is the heck clearer ?!

- Rima Assaf (@RimaLBCI) August 18, 2020

A citizen now on TV: "If Tarik Al Jadidah police station had investigated the killing of Hariri, it would have reached more results." # The International Court

- Nasser Fakih (@fakihn) August 18, 2020

# The International Court reminded me of when my sister and I were suffocating when we were young:
My mother used to let us both feel like we were winning - to ward off sedition 😅
.. And this is # Rafiq Al Hariri

Nour Amache (@NourAmache) August 18, 2020

In the end, Salim Ayyash did not prepare 250 kilos of TNT for his condition and we all know of any affiliated party, and if there was not enough evidence of the involvement of others with him, we would be sure of the truth! It is possible that we didn’t make it fair, but God’s justice preceded the court and cited what the Almighty said, “The murderer preached to death even after a while.” Most of those involved were killed.

- Maher Farghal (@MaherFarghal) August 18, 2020

Here Suburb ✌️💛

- Lara ~ lara (@ Lara33204989) August 18, 2020

I don’t smell anybody that has a scarred pig that we want, considering the most open farm of March 14th.

I would like to move back, and if the designers of Hezbollah and Damascus assassinated Hariri, then it is clear that the group's work is clean, with the testimony of an international court 😂 Night
: What are the sleeves of America's magicians yet? # The International Court

- Malak Khaled (@Malakhaled) August 18, 2020

The most expensive and longest play # International Court, one billion dollars from our pocket and 15 years!
A 3,000-page text that summarizes one word, "disinformation."

- Hicham Boulos (@HichamBoulos) August 18, 2020

Mustafa Badr al-Din had some personal disagreements with the martyr president because of the preference for passing and
while he was drinking coffee with Salim Ayyash, Hassan Oneisi, and Asad Sabra, he proposed the idea of ​​liquidating Rafik Hariri,
so they collected the price of 2 tons of C4 and a Mitsubishi truck and 18 phones with their lines and went to Saint George and blew up the motorcade # Believe me # Justice_For_Lebanon

- KHALED SALEH (@ KHALEDSALEH1967) August 18, 2020

May God forgive you, Salim Ayyash. It was blah. # The International Court

- ABEER999 (@Abeerwehbee) August 18, 2020

He didn’t help Salim Ayyash to be able to assassinate all these characters

- Danielle Sawma (@DanielleSawma) August 18, 2020

Celebrations in the southern suburbs of Beirut with the release of firecrackers, because the Special Tribunal for Lebanon did not directly accuse Hezbollah of assassinating the martyr Rafik Hariri !!
Is it possible that Salim Ayyash and Mustafa Badr al-Din belong to the Association of American Indians in Lebanon ??

- Hussein ayoub. (@ HuseinAyoub2) August 18, 2020

My brothers, you are the authenticity of the history of this nation and you are the essence of its soul, you are its civilization, its culture, its values, its love and gratitude, you are the title of its manhood, you are the immortality of the rice at our tops and the humility of the ears of wheat in our homes, # Mr.Hassan Nasr_God # Salim_Ayash

- suha hzm nasrallah (@HzmSuha) August 18, 2020

Tweet love for Hajj Salim Ayyash❤️ #International Court

- Abu Nadim (@ me1lakaty) August 18, 2020

According to the failed investigations of the International Tribunal, it was found that Salim Ayyash was the only accused and culprit in the Rafik Hariri assassination case, where his comrades were acquitted. This means that Ayyash coordinated and called himself, prepared the bomb, prepared it and placed it under Hariri's car, then moved away from the site and detonated the bomb. What a superhuman man

- ali nasser (@inass11216274) August 18, 2020

The mountain court gave birth to a rat. One billion dollars paid Lebanon to listen to a ridiculous political analysis.
1- First, what is required is to return the stolen money by the court.
2- The court was unable to add anything to the conclusions of the Lebanese authorities.

- Wiam Wahhab (@wiamwahhab) August 18, 2020