Teller Report

The weasel climbed into the washing machine and was fainted and sent a "gift" to the

8/17/2020, 11:40:43 AM

  Recently, a weasel climbed into a public washing machine in a community in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, but it was too dexterous to catch it, so firefighters thought of turning it out with a washing machine. After being fainted, the weasel was still unwilling to catch it with his hands, and fart to resist the fire. The firefighters finally put a cloth bag on its head and took it to the wild to release it...

  Recently, a weasel climbed into a public washing machine in a community in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, but it was too dexterous to catch it, so firefighters thought of turning it out with a washing machine. After being fainted, the weasel was still unwilling to catch it with his hands, and fart to resist the fire. The firefighters finally put a cloth bag on its head and took it to the wild to release it. (Edited by Gao Yuhui)

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]