Teller Report

The music journalist: Illegal raving parties every weekend throughout Sweden

8/17/2020, 1:01:32 PM

After a quiet spring, the illegal revelry scene has woken up during the summer. This weekend, a forest party was stopped with around 700 participants in Stockholm and similar reef parties are held around the country every weekend, sometimes with hundreds of participants, says music journalist Oscar Kangro.

This weekend, the police in Stockholm stopped an illegal forest party with around 700 participants on Ekerö, and Stockholm police tell Dagens Nyheter that they have received more and more alarms about illegal forest raids in recent years.

According to Oscar Kangro from Musikguiden in P3, who reported on the parties of recent weeks, the illegal rave scene has woken up after a quiet spring.

- Previously, there have not been parties to the same extent due to Corona, but now there are at least a bunch of events around the country every weekend, he says.

The picture is confirmed by an anonymous fox enthusiast with whom Kulturnyheterna spoke.

- This year has been a record for outdoor reefs. I have been to about 10 in the last three weeks, of which I have volunteered in three: stood at the bar, handed out beer and nitrous oxide balloons. When the clubs are closed and the taverns are full early, people go to the forest parties.

Gathers hundreds of people

Music journalist Oscar Kangro says that the number of participants varies depending on the type of party, it can be anything from 50 people to hundreds who gather. The anonymous thief says that the parties he attended were gathered by about a hundred people.

- It's cool to party in the woods, the colors are cool among the trees. It is often close to bathing places where you can swim during or after the party, then there are better DJs at the forest parties. More girls playing. Everything is better at the forest parties. No quarrels, we do not freak out, says him to Kulturnyheterna.

See reefs in the clip above.