Teller Report

News calls - [1] Gabon: 60 years of independence

8/17/2020, 11:13:42 AM

Special program, this Monday, August 17, 2020, on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the independence of Gabon.

[1] Gabon: 60 years of independence

Audio 19:30

Léon Mba (1902-1967), the first president of the Gabonese Republic. © AFP

By: Guillaume Naudin Follow

Special program, this Monday, August 17, 2020, on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the independence of Gabon.


The country is known for its close relationship with the former French colonial power as well as for the exceptional stability of power with the Bongo family. What do you remember from these six decades? Your word matters to us.

Join us to take stock with our guests:

- Joseph Tonda , professor of Sociology and Anthropology at the Omar Bongo University of Libreville, writer, author in particular of " Postcolonial Imperialism: critique of the society of dazzling ", Kartala, 2015

- Albert Ondo Ossa , Professor of Economics at the Omar Bongo University in Libreville, former Minister of Higher Education under Omar Bongo, former presidential candidate in 2009.

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  • Anniversary of African Independence
  • Gabon

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