Teller Report

A beam of light in the dark Lebanese volunteers look for displaced pets among the ruins

8/17/2020, 11:31:39 AM

On August 17th, in Beirut, Lebanon, volunteers shuttled through the ruins in the dark, searching for displaced pets with flashlights. According to the volunteers, they have helped dozens of pets reunite with their owners, but there are still many animals still in the shelter, waiting for their owners to come and claim them. Image source: ICphoto Release time: 2020-08-17 19:18:30 【Editor: Li Peiyu...

On August 17th, in Beirut, Lebanon, volunteers shuttled through the ruins in the dark, searching for displaced pets with flashlights. According to the volunteers, they have helped dozens of pets reunite with their owners, but there are still many animals still in the shelter, waiting for their owners to come and claim them. Image source: ICphoto

Release time: 2020-08-17 19:18:30 【Editor: Li Peiyun】