Teller Report

Nadine Njeim responds to someone who mocked her face after the operation: "You don't want the world to turn around."

8/16/2020, 4:37:01 PM

The Lebanese actress, Nadine Nassib Njeim, responded to the blogger's mockery, Elie Bassil, after she underwent an operation in her face following the Beirut port explosion. Basil wrote to Nadine Njeim after publishing her first photo in the hospital after the operation: “Thank God for your safety, Nadine. Omar a new wuj. ”Wakab

Nadine Njeim responds to someone who mocked her face after the operation: "You don't want the world to turn around."

The Lebanese artist, Nadine Nassib Njeim, responded to the mockery of the blogger, Elie Bassil, after she underwent an operation on her face following the Beirut port explosion.

Basil had written to Nadine Njeim after publishing her first picture in the hospital after the operation: "Praise be to God for your safety, Nadine .. You have a new age and a new face."

Nadine Njeim met Elie Basil's ridicule of her with a tweet on her account on the “Twitter” site for social networking: ““ I mean, what was Elie Basil’s content with, but praise be to God for your safety, and a new age and a point ended? Neither the incident, the circumstance, nor the time, nor even the picture, is suitable for jokes and humiliation ... I do not want to tell me your safety, nor will I tell him your punishment with a new face, and I will suffice by telling him that my nose was crushed from the right for the strength of the blow. I thank my Lord for my kindness .. I have all the oath Praise be to God, 150 stitches.

And she continued, "Ma'lhish, there are people who live on the pain of the people and Ttaktaman on the pain of people .. the world is rotating."
Nadine Njeim was severely injured due to the explosion, and I attached that to a video clip showing the extent of the destruction of her house due to the explosion.

The Lebanese artist said: "I thank my Lord first, because he returned, created me and gave me a new life."

Nadine Njeim continued, saying: "The explosion was close and the sight is not like words at all, and everyone who will pass by my house will see blood wherever it is, but we are still all alive, thank God a thousand times."

The Lebanese artist went on to say, "God gave me the strength to go down from 22 floors, barefoot and covered with blood, in an area all of whom were wounded and killed, cars destroyed, and people screaming and crying."

And she continued: “When I landed, I parked a car and asked him for help. Indeed, he drove me to the first hospital, which refused to receive me because it was crammed with the wounded. Then the owner of the car took me to another hospital, and I underwent a surgery that lasted about 6 hours because half of my face and body was almost injured.”

The tweet read: “From this moment in the hospital, I made a decision: I will leave the country and live in safety in a second country that respects its people best as I kept a country ruled by bullies and death. You dig under the dirt, then we will return to our homeland, and otherwise there is no need to speak, thank you.

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