Teller Report

4 dangerous habits that destroy the kidneys

8/16/2020, 10:01:25 PM

Studies have reported that most kidney diseases do not lead to the appearance of clear symptoms on the affected person, which leads to the development of the disease without the person feeling that way. Therefore, it is called the "silent killer". In fact, most kidney diseases can be prevented, by following a pattern Healthy life and some habits a

4 dangerous habits that destroy the kidneys

Kidney disease has been called the "silent killer." Archives

Studies have reported that most kidney diseases do not lead to the appearance of clear symptoms on the affected person, which leads to the development of the disease without the person feeling that way. Therefore, it is called the "silent killer". In fact, most kidney diseases can be prevented, by following a pattern A healthy life and some other healthy habits, and avoiding some dangerous habits that most people do not pay attention to, which are detailed by the "Medicine Web" website as follows:

the salt

Eating large amounts of salt makes the kidneys work harder, which may cause fatigue and decrease in efficiency of work over time, as well as fluid retention in the body, which is harmful to health in general. Recommendations indicate that the daily amount of salt throughout the day should not exceed five grams, that is, less than a teaspoon.

Urinary retention

Urinary retention causes bacteria to multiply, which leads to urinary tract infections or kidney infections, as the remaining urine in the bladder increases pressure on the kidneys, and then leads to kidney failure over time, or what is known as "enuresis"

Excessive analgesics

Taking over-the-counter pain relievers can damage body organs such as the kidneys. Studies indicate that analgesics reduce blood flow to the kidneys and impede their functions, and reach the point of causing kidney failure or chronic renal inflammation, with excessive use in the long term.

Lack of water

One of the habits that some follow is not drinking enough quantities of water, as some do not drink water unless they feel thirsty only, and do not know that not drinking large amounts of water during the day results in damage to many parts of the body, including the kidneys.

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