Teller Report

Emirati normalization ... Fatwas, denunciations, Arab withdrawals, and Israeli cynicism

8/15/2020, 6:49:06 PM

The Israeli-Emirati normalization agreement is still in the forefront of discussions on Arab social media sites that have been overwhelmed by the rejection of the Emirati move by tagging (hashtag) & quot; normalization is betrayal & quot; Which is still leading in several Arab countries.

Eighth Newsletter - Your Bulletin (15/8/2020) monitors the interaction with the issue of normalization. In the Gulf states, in particular, the hashtag "Gulf Arabs Against Normalization" continued to be issued despite the attempts of what are known as electronic armies to distort these hashtags against normalization.

Among the most prominent tweets that have met with widespread interaction in the last hours is a tweet by the Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman, Sheikh Ahmed bin Hamad al-Khalili, who wrote on his official Twitter account, “Liberating Al-Aqsa Mosque and liberating all the land around it from any occupation is a sacred duty for all the nation and a debt in its necks all binds them. His loyalty, and if the circumstances do not satisfy them and the predestination help them, then they do not have to compromise on it anyway. Rather, they have to call the matter to the divine destiny, so that God will bring someone who honors him to fulfill this duty.

On the other hand, the fatwa of the Emirati Fatwa Council, which it published on its Twitter account, came under the title, "International relations and treaties are among the exclusive and sovereign powers of the guardian in law and order."

Wide interactions on the fatwas of normalization, the Kuwaiti singer Ali Al-Dashti said, "Please ... normalize ... be fond of ... fill in ... as you want, but do not make normalization within the religious and legal framework. The scholar said ... God have mercy on him, the Sheikh ... You will not find a fatwa that cleanses you. "

The Bahraini singer Muhammad bin Abdullah wrote, “Normalization is a betrayal and will remain a betrayal, and those covenants will remain under the feet of the nation, even if it is held in the depths of the Kaaba and hung on its cover, and its blackness will not be whitened by a thousand fatwas or a thousand articles .. O people of God prove and be patient and patient and praise the truth. .

The Omani singer Mustafa Al-Shaer wrote, "There is no value to any fatwa that legalizes the occupation of holy sites, and there is a difference between the Zionist movement that occupies Arab lands and Muslim sanctities and plunders the rights of an entire people called the Palestinian people, and the Jewish religion with which Islam has organized the relationship like any other religion. To miss the truth and confuse them. "

Saudi activist Alia Al-Huwaiti tweeted, "The Emirati-Israeli normalization and this rosary has neglected .. Saudi Arabia on this road, Bahrain and Egypt !! O great Arab peoples !! May God Almighty reward you in your religion, your dignity, your humanity, your Arabism and the eloquence that died."

As for the Emirati activist, Hamad Al Shamsi, he said, "The Palestinian issue is the only issue that I can say that I speak on behalf of the free people of the UAE after the authority chained him with laws that punish him if he speaks and expresses his opinion in contravention of government policies."

And the Syrian critic Nasser Wannous wrote, "I announced an end to my cooperation with the Emirati cultural and media institutions, in protest against the agreement of the United Arab Emirates with the Zionist entity to establish normal relations between the two countries."

Palestinian photographer Muhammad Badarneh announced, through his Instagram account, his withdrawal from participating in the eighth "Point of View" exhibition, which will be held at the end of this month.

In the orbit of the supporters of the agreement, there were also interactions. Deputy Chief of Dubai Police Dhahi Khalfan said, "All Emirati merchants must transfer their commercial relations from Turkey to Israel."

As for Hani Bin Braik, deputy head of the Southern Transitional Council in Yemen, who is supported by the United Arab Emirates, he said in a tweet, “If the visit of the southerners to Tel Aviv opens and a peace plan between the UAE and Israel is signed beforehand, I will visit the southern Jews in their homes and I will go with them to Jerusalem and pray in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Good morning, peace and tolerance. Coexist and accept the other. "

Israel, and despite the official celebration of the normalization agreement with the UAE, voices began to rise there to question the feasibility of the move.

Former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said, "After the (annexation) trick came the turn of the (peace) trick. This is not a historic day, but another day of madness in Balfour, where the accused tries to escape from the law, as he tries to divert attention from his scandals, a million unemployed And a collapsed economy, and a very rampant epidemic ... all of them are waiting for a prime minister who works with a full job. "

Israeli writer John Brown said, "We signed a peace agreement with the Emirates, which is just an emirate that tracks human rights activists by digital means, and the ruling family robbers public money and considers itself above the law."

Left-wing activist and former Israeli reservist Nir Cohen said, “I don't want to spoil the celebration here, but already in 2010 I worked in the Emirates on behalf of an Israeli company. The client is the government that invited us Israelis to work in its most sensitive facility. And yet I welcome formal relations with The UAE. Now all that remains is to end the occupation. "

In 2017, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote on Twitter, "The biggest obstacle to expanding the circle of peace is not the leaders of the countries that surround us, but rather public opinion in the Arab street, which has been affected for many years by propaganda that wrongly and biased Israel."

Today, many of the tweeters have re-circulated this tweet to confirm that Arab public opinion will continue to reject any official Arab normalization steps, and Muhammad al-Shazli said, "We were and are and will truly remain the biggest obstacle."

The Emirati opposition activist Ibrahim Al Haram wrote, "We remind you of what Netanyahu said that if all Arab rulers normalize, the obstacle to the Zionist entity is the consciousness of the people ... so they should follow until he distinguishes the evil from the good, but the peoples will remain an obstacle until Palestine is liberated."