Teller Report

C'est va ça va le monde - “Entre deux souffles, le silence”, by Pierrette Mondako (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

8/15/2020, 9:58:34 AM

When the past collides with a love story between two young people, Gina and David. After 25 years of unsaid and silence, the horrors of the Congo war in 1997, rapes, murders, violence ...

“Between two breaths, silence”, by Pierrette Mondako (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Audio 48:29

Mexianu Medenou, Seb El Zin, Amélia Ewu and François Rancillac. Between two breaths, silence, by Pierrette Mondako, Ca va ça va le monde! RFI / Pierre René-Worms

By: RFI Follow

When the past collides with a love story between two young people, Gina and David. After 25 years of unspoken and silence, the horrors of the Congo war in 1997, rapes, murders, domestic violence resurface to make this romance a tragedy.


Pierrette Mondako has been writing theater for fifteen years and created her company in Brazzaville with Célestin Kauset, Emeraude Pembe. Read for the first time, it offers a piece where the inner voices of the characters, but also those of the ancestors, mingle with the dialogues of the characters. A choral piece for two actors.

On a proposal from the Mantsina festival on stage (Brazzaville) and the Center National des Ecritures du spectacle de la Chartreuse - Villeneuve lez Avignon.


With : Mexianu Medenou and Amélia Ewu - Sound creation: Seb El Zin - Voice: François Rancillac.

  • RFI broadcast on Saturday, August 15 at 15h10 GMT
    Rebroadcast 23:10 UT.



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