Teller Report

Boy with cerebral palsy has learned to paint for seven years, oil paintings are exported to many places in Europe

8/15/2020, 2:16:00 PM

  [Explanation] Sun Guodong is a well-known painter in the county seat. A few lines and a few touches of color make the blank canvas full of life. Unlike many painters, he is a cerebral palsy patient. In his own words, for seven years, he used the brush in his hand to remove a touch of dust and outline his beautiful life.   [Explanation] On August 14, the reporter met Sun Guodong at the Luze Pain...

  [Explanation] Sun Guodong is a well-known painter in the county seat. A few lines and a few touches of color make the blank canvas full of life. Unlike many painters, he is a cerebral palsy patient. In his own words, for seven years, he used the brush in his hand to remove a touch of dust and outline his beautiful life.

  [Explanation] On August 14, the reporter met Sun Guodong at the Luze Painting Academy in Pingyin County, Jinan City, Shandong Province. He was holding a paintbrush in his hand and carefully creating works that were not completed in the morning on the canvas. The woman on the canvas was gentle and gentle. , The rose next to the woman is extremely realistic. Sun Guodong told reporters that he has been plagued by illnesses since he was born, which has made an otherwise wealthy family worse. 

  [Concurrent] Painter Sun Guodong

  Due to lack of oxygen at birth, cerebral palsy was caused when I was young. At that time, the medical conditions were relatively poor and the family was relatively poor, so there has been no treatment. When we were eight or nine years old, our parents pooled some money and we embarked on the path of seeking a doctor, and then we came back to slowly try to stand.

  [Explanation] Because of his childhood special experience, Sun Guodong grew up to become particularly strong, he did not want to let himself live such a mediocre life. In 2013, by chance, Sun Guodong came into contact with painting. In order to improve his painting skills, Sun Guodong sits on a special electric wheelchair at 5 o'clock in the morning and goes to the studio not far from his residence to practice. Since then, painting has become an indispensable part of his life.

  [Concurrent] Painter Sun Guodong

  Because of my cerebral palsy, my fingers are not very flexible, so when I first started drawing, it was very difficult for me to draw a straight line. The line I drew was always crooked, and I got tired when I raised my hand for a long time. Practice harder, get up earlier in the morning than others, go to bed later than others in the evening, work overtime to paint, take a break when you are tired, and persevere slowly.

  [Explanation] After years of continuous hard work, Sun Guodong's oil paintings are deeply loved by oil painting enthusiasts with unique colors and lines. In 2016, his oil paintings were selected for the first National Exhibition of Handicapped Paintings and Calligraphy, and were highly praised by the industry. Sun Guodong told reporters that in recent years, due to the continuous improvement of his painting skills, many of his oil paintings have been sold to Italy, Venice and other countries and regions through e-commerce platforms.

  [Concurrent] Painter Sun Guodong

  After I came into contact with painting, I found the hope of life again. I can achieve self-reliance with my own hands. First, I can earn a certain income and reduce the burden on my family. Second, I can find the direction of life again, which can let my parents and family members. Pleased.

  [Explanation] Jiang Guangying, Sun Guodong's mother, is an ordinary farmer. She sees and cares about the hardships her son has come along the way. Now that Sun Guodong has a career she loves, she is very pleased.

  [Concurrent] Sun Guodong’s mother Jiang Guangying

  When I was in junior high school and high school, I pushed him back and forth with three-wheeled pedals. When it rained, I kept picking him up. The adults were still hanging on the ground, and he was not at ease at home. Painting is also one of his skills, he can't do anything else, this is his only way out. He paints very well now. We did not work in vain and it was worth it. The adults are happy no matter how hard we work.

  (Reported by Yang Fei in Jinan)

Editor in charge: [Bian Liqun]