Teller Report

An old man in Maoming, Guangdong was rescued from fishing after falling into the water at the flood

8/14/2020, 1:25:47 PM

  At 9:15 pm on August 13th, at the mouth of Pingjiang Dam on Shanmei Street to Panzhou Street, Gaozhou City, Maoming City, Guangdong Province, an old man fishing was sitting on the railing of the flood gate and accidentally fell into the water. After receiving the police, the local fire rescue department immediately Rushed to the scene for emergency rescue.   As the water depth between the lower...

  At 9:15 pm on August 13th, at the mouth of Pingjiang Dam on Shanmei Street to Panzhou Street, Gaozhou City, Maoming City, Guangdong Province, an old man fishing was sitting on the railing of the flood gate and accidentally fell into the water. After receiving the police, the local fire rescue department immediately Rushed to the scene for emergency rescue.

  As the water depth between the lower reaches of the Pingjiang dam mouth and the upper reaches of the Jianjiang River is unpredictable, the rainy season causes the water level to rise. At this time, the dam is releasing floods and the incident is at night. The environment on the site is dim and the situation is critical. After many searches and surveys, fire rescue personnel found that the old man who fell into the water was trapped in the gap on the edge of the dam and was unable to move.

  Rescuers immediately coordinated with the local police to urgently call residents’ bamboo rafts from nearby, use strong fire lights for lighting guidance, carefully row to the location of the elderly, rescue the elderly on the bamboo rafts and safely transport them to the river bank. In order to avoid secondary injuries, the fire rescue personnel immediately contacted the medical staff at the scene and cooperated to bandage the wound of the elderly who fell into the water and fix the fractured left leg. As the river bank was still some distance away from the ambulance, the fire rescue personnel worked together to use the rescue stretcher to safely transport the elderly from the river bank to the ambulance to the medical staff to send to the hospital for treatment. (Edited by Liang Sheng, Su Jiantao, Liang Enyu, Lu Jie)

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】