Teller Report

Washington National Zoo in "Restart"-Chinanews

8/11/2020, 11:10:38 AM

The National Zoo in Washington, DC, has recently reopened some venues to tourists. To prevent and control the epidemic, the park has adopted policies such as current restriction and mandatory wearing of masks. The picture shows the Washington National Zoo on August 10. Photo by China News Agency reporter Chen Mengtong Release time: 2020-08-11 08:36:51 【Editor: Li Peiyun】 ...

The National Zoo in Washington, DC, has recently reopened some venues to tourists. To prevent and control the epidemic, the park has adopted policies such as current restriction and mandatory wearing of masks. The picture shows the Washington National Zoo on August 10. Photo by China News Agency reporter Chen Mengtong

Release time: 2020-08-11 08:36:51 【Editor: Li Peiyun】