Teller Report

National Development and Reform Commission: Continue to promote the price reduction of scenic spots to improve the ticket price formation mechanism

8/11/2020, 8:31:56 AM

  China News Service, August 11th. According to the website of the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission recently issued the "Notice on Continued Promotion and Improvement of the Ticket Price Formation Mechanism for State-owned Scenic Spots" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The "Notice" stated that continuing to push for ticket price r...

  China News Service, August 11th. According to the website of the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission recently issued the "Notice on Continued Promotion and Improvement of the Ticket Price Formation Mechanism for State-owned Scenic Spots" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The "Notice" stated that continuing to push for ticket price reductions for scenic spots, this year's reduction of ticket prices for scenic spots should take into account the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, combined with local conditions, and adhere to the combination of distance and near. It will not only promote the development of tourism, but also ensure the normal operation of scenic spots.

Data map: Tourists play in the scenic area. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhang Chang

  In recent years, in accordance with the “Guiding Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission on Improving the Ticket Price Formation Mechanism of State-owned Scenic Spots to Reduce the Ticket Prices of Key State-owned Scenic Spots” (Fagai Price [2018] No. 951) (hereinafter referred to as the “Guiding Opinions”), all localities have been active The work has basically completed the supervision, review or investigation, and price evaluation of the ticket costs of all 5A and 4A scenic spots in the jurisdiction that implement government pricing management. The ticket price formation mechanism of state-owned scenic spots has been improved, and the ticket prices of key state-owned scenic spots have been continuously reduced.

  In order to further enhance residents' willingness to consume, release tourism consumption demand, promote the improvement of comprehensive tourism consumption level, and better meet the needs of the people for a better life, and at the same time implement the tasks in the "Guiding Opinions", the National Development and Reform Commission will focus on the tasks and requirements in 2020 The notice is as follows:

  One is to continue to promote the price reduction of scenic spots. On the basis of the preliminary work, all regions continue to carry out the supervision and review or investigation of the ticket cost of key state-owned scenic spots, and the price evaluation adjustment work, comprehensively considering the economic development level of each region and the difference in the scale of scenic spots, distinguishing different management models of scenic spots, innovating price management methods, and classification Implement policies to push ticket prices for state-owned scenic spots back to a reasonable range, reduce high ticket prices, and promote revenue and expenditure information disclosure. The reduction of ticket prices for scenic spots this year should take into account the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, combined with local conditions, and adhere to the combination of distance and near. It will not only help promote the development of tourism, but also ensure the normal operation of scenic spots.

  The second is to continuously improve the ticket price formation mechanism. In 2020, the previous price reductions are not in place and the 3A level and below state-owned scenic spots are the focus. In principle, the supervision, inspection or investigation, and price evaluation adjustments of all scenic spots in the jurisdiction that implement government pricing management will be fully covered, and in accordance with the requirements of the "Guiding Opinions", Establish and improve a regular evaluation and adjustment mechanism to prepare for a new round of work.

  The third is to focus on regulating the price behavior of scenic spots. From the perspective of reducing the overall cost of tourists, strengthen the supervision of the prices of transportation vehicles, cable cars, cruise ships and other services with strong monopoly in scenic spots. Where government pricing or government-guided prices are implemented, the cost composition must be reasonably defined, and high prices should be reduced on the basis of cost supervision or investigation. Focus on controlling the phenomenon of "high pricing and big discounts" and reducing falsely high fares.

  The fourth is to effectively implement the ticket price reduction policy. Scenic spots subject to government pricing management shall comply with regulations for active servicemen, disabled soldiers, martyrs, survivors of servicemen who died on duty, survivors of deceased soldiers, family members of active servicemen, as well as minors, the elderly, students, disabled persons, religious persons, etc. Practically provide preferential treatment such as ticket reduction or exemption. Red tourist attractions and patriotism education bases should provide preferential treatment to groups such as students.

  The fifth is to strengthen policy propaganda and guidance. When carrying out work, all localities should pay attention to policy publicity and interpretation, continue to innovate publicity methods, increase publicity efforts, make good use of new media and new methods such as WeChat and Weibo, do a good job in guiding public opinion during holidays and other important nodes, and actively respond to social concerns , Create a good public opinion environment. Especially in the context of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, all localities should coordinate and guide the epidemic prevention and control and orderly opening of scenic spots, establish a perfect appointment system, and guide tourists to enter the park at intervals and travel across peaks. Before implementing temporary preferential policies, make an assessment to prevent the passenger flow from exceeding the limit.

  The "Notice" requires that all provincial price authorities should further improve their political positions, fully understand the importance of improving the ticket price mechanism for scenic spots in improving the quality of tourism consumption, stimulating the potential of tourism consumption, and driving economic growth, and comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of their work in recent years , Clarify the key tasks and time nodes for the next step, do a fine-grained division of labor, and layer responsibilities to ensure that the work objectives set in the Guiding Opinions are achieved on schedule in 2020.

  All localities should keep abreast of the investigation and evaluation results of the ticket supervision and review of scenic spots in their jurisdiction, price reduction of supporting services, ticket reduction and exemption policies and other relevant information, update and review the information, and report it in time. Seriously summarize the results and existing problems of the work in the past three years, and form written materials, which will be submitted to the National Development and Reform Commission (Price Department) in early December.