Teller Report

Where can I see this kind of albasaeng?... Special'Gangcheolbi 2'stage greeting

8/10/2020, 11:16:44 PM

Actor Jung Woo-sung had a meeting with a special audience. Directors Jung Woo-sung, Shin Jeong-geun, and Yang Woo-suk, and other protagonists of'Kang Chul-bi 2: Summit', delivered their thanks to the audience through the Seoul stage greetings on the 8th and 9th and communicated directly with the audience.

Actor Jung Woo-sung had a meeting with a special audience.

Directors Jung Woo-sung, Shin Jeong-geun, and Yang Woo-suk, and other protagonists of'Kang Chul-bi 2: Summit', delivered their thanks to the audience through the Seoul stage greetings on the 8th and 9th and communicated directly with the audience.

In spite of the inclement weather pouring out like steel, the audiences who visited the theater expressed their joy by welcoming the protagonists of'Kang Cheol-bi 2: Summit' with fervent cheers and applause.

Director Yang Woo-seok said, "It was difficult to express the figure of North Korea and the leader of the North as we know it in one person, so I divided it into two, like Jekyll and Hyde. The person who builds up the North Korean peace system is the North Korean chairman, played by Yeon-seok Yoo, opposite this. In North Korea, the hardline wave is the head of the North Korean escort, played by Kwak Do-won," he said.

"Thank you for spending your precious time with'Kang Cheol-Bee 2: Summit'. It may seem difficult and heavy, but it can be easy and fun to see. I ask for a lot of word of mouth around me."

Shin Jeong-geun, deputy commander of North Korea's first nuclear submarine Baek Doo-ho, expressed his sincerity, "It's uncomfortable to see the filled audience. I ask you a lot of support for the'Kang Chul-bi 2: Summit', and I hope that you do not damage the rain and take care of your health."

The protagonists of'Kang Chul-bi 2: Summit' provided a mini Q&A time to answer real-time questions from the audience, refreshingly answering questions about the movie.

Jung Woo-sung said, "It was difficult to express the inner feelings of the character who endures and endures with sighs or facial expressions without revealing the emotional expression as it is, but it seems to be left as an interesting memory," he said, acting as the president of the Republic of Korea Han Kyung-jae.

When asked about the most memorable scene, Shin Jung-geun cited the ending scene he played with Jung Woo-sung and said, "I couldn't make eye contact. I was excited" and added a witty answer to the two people's sticky chemistry. It was hot.

Lastly, director Yang Woo-seok said, "When I wrote the screenplay for this movie, I heard a lot of songs called'Arirang Alone'. I thought about Dokdo a lot because of the lyrics,'Leave by boat at the Duman River at Baekdusan Mountain. Go by boat at Hallasan Jeju'. The scene was actually filmed on Dokdo,” arousing the audience's surprise.

Along with this, Woo-sung Jung, who finished the last stage greeting at the Lotte Cinema World Tower on the 9th, went directly to the box office and presented surprise memories to the audience who visited the theater to watch the movie.

'Kangcheolbi 2: Summit' is a work depicting the crisis situation just before the war after the three leaders were kidnapped by a North Korean nuclear submarine in a coup between the North and the North during the inter-Korean summit. With the endless support and support of actual visitors, it is expected to lead the word-of-mouth craze and continue a long-term success.

(SBS funE reporter Jihye Kim)